An upcoming article from Sweden (Swepis=Swedish post-term induction study) has been discussed widely even before it is published in the BMJ. The authors conclude that the risk for fetal demise of post-term pregnancy in week 42 compared to week 41 was so high that the study was interrupted before it was fulfilled. [..] READ MORE
Burgeoning interest have been directed in the recent past towards antibiotic resistance exhibited by bacterial infections. Currently, global unrestrained use of broad-spectrum antibiotics has been singled out as the prime factor for this devastating issue. Therefore, any efforts to mitigate usage of antibiotics in most common recurrent bacterial infections such as urinary and respiratory tract infections could be considered as a boon to circumvent this global challenge. [..] READ MORE
The attack of malaria infection in pregnancy, often result to harmful effects which may involve the mother’s health, the baby’s health or both. This study was set to determine the effect of malaria infection in pregnancy on some fibrinolytic markers at different trimester in pregnant women attending the ante-natal clinics in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital and Rivers State University Teaching Hospital Port Harcourt, Nigeria. [..] READ MORE
Paget disease of the vulva is a chronic, rare type of vulvar malignancies that occurs in postmenopausal women. Vulvar Paget’s disease is a rare neoplasm of the vulva that presents as a dermatological benign disease. Recurrences are common and the selection of the accurate management is very challenging. [..] READ MORE
Novel minimally invasive surgery technique is a new option for the treatment of this condition. We hereby, are reporting a case of a 42 years old woman who developed an uterocutaneous fistula 3 months after myomectomy and was treated by minimally invasive supracervical hysterectomy and fistulectomy. [..] READ MORE
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