Artcle Preparation

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  • 1. Cover letter
  • 2. Article title
  • 3. Author(s) with complete affiliation
  • 4. Abstract
  • 5. Keywords
  • 6. Abbreviations (if used)
  • 7. Introduction
  • 8. Materials and methods/ Headings
  • 9. Results
  • 10. Discussions
  • 11. Conclusions
  • 12. Tables
  • 13. Figures
  • 14. Supplementary files
  • 15. References/ Bibliography
  • 16. Acknowledgements
  • 17. Conflicts of interests

The explanation for each of the above 17 elements is provided below:

1. Cover letter

  • This is to ensure that the authors are submitting the article that is not published previously/ is not under process in any other journal.
  • You can conveniently download Cient Periodique cover letter available at the bottom of this web page.

2. Article title

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3. Author(s) with complete affiliation

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4. Abstract

  • It should be clear, concise and transparent conveying significance of the work to a broad audience.
  • Do not use any references or short forms.
  • An outline of the results and the importance of their findings should be mentioned in brief, with 300-350 words.

5. Keywords

  • Please try to provide 3-5 words.

6. Abbreviations (if used)

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7. Introduction

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8. Materials and methods/ Headings

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  • Methods part should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be replicable by other researchers.
  • Authors may divide this into subsections if several methods are described.

9. Results

  • It should describe the outcomes and findings of an article.
  • It should be clear, comprehensible and concise including tables, figures and all the information applicable.

10. Discussions

  • This section should point out the significance of the results in relation to the reasons for doing the work.
  • It should include the strengths and limitations of the study.
  • Interpretation and implications with reference to the context should be given indicating the future research directions.

11. Conclusions

  • Ought to be given for the closure of an article.

12. Tables

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13. Figures

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14. Supplementary files

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15. References/ Bibliography

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  • The exact format of references to be followed are guided in the sample manuscript template.

16. Acknowledgements

  • The authors can include sources of funding, grants, gratitude, details about anyone who contributed substantially towards the study etc.

17. Conflicts of interests

  • The article should be free from any such conflicts between authors or with others in any aspect.

It is now simple to submit your potential article. Kindly find the below guides for your reference.


Cient Periodique Cover Letter

Cient Periodique Manuscript Template

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