Irreparable rotator cuff tears have been defined as the tears that cannot be repaired primarily, because of their size and/or retraction. Patients suffering by this entity present with a variety of symptoms and physical findings. The treatment goals of the management of such tears are: pain reduction, shoulder motion and function restoration and deceleration of cuff tear arthropathy developement. [..] READ MORE
Arthritis tuberculosis (AT) [1,2] represents a diagnostic challenge, due to the low prevalence of AT involvement [3], as well as the insidious clinical presentation, with suspicion and early diagnosis being important for the prognosis of the patient. [..] READ MORE
Patella fractures account for approximately 1% of all skeletal injuries. The treatment of patellar fractures has undergone many changes in operative methods. Modified Tension Band Wiring Technique is gold standard but now a days Tension Band Fixation with Cannulated Cancellous Screw is well practicing. [..] READ MORE
The dynamics of demography in México is changing and its population is aging. Osteoporotic and fragility fractures are diseases associated with aging and therefore its incidence is expected to grow accordingly. [..] READ MORE
The reported case is female, black, operated at 11 years of age, with 90° kyphosis at a right angle of T11 / T12 / L1, due to defect of formation and segmentation. [..] READ MORE
Phantom limb pain and scar hyperalgesia are recurrent problems after amputation. The neuropathic nature suggests the involvement of both peripheral and central neurological mechanisms, involving neuroplastic changes in the central nervous system and scar hyperalgesia is correlated with secondary mechanical hyperalgesia in the skin area around the scar. [..] READ MORE
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