
Thoracic Malignancies: Insights into Different Therapeutic and Technical Options

Massimo Baudo1*, Mohamed Rahouma2*, Faiza Khan, M.3, Dina Ibrahim, A.4, Fatma Abou Elkasem5, Mohamed Kamel2, Ihab Saad2, Maha Yehia5, Ihab Eldessouki6, Irbaz Hameed7 & Abdelrahman Mohamed2

1IRCCS Vita-Salute San Raffaele Hospital Via Olgettina, Italy
2Surgical Oncology Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt
3Department of Surgery, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, USA
4Department of Medicine, Brown University, Providence, USA
5Medical Oncology Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt
6Medical Oncology Department, University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
7Department of Surgery, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
*Equally contributed

Dr. Mohamed Rahouma, Surgical Oncology Department, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt, <a

Keywords: Thoracic Malignancy; Chemoradiotherapy; Lung Cancer


The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that cancer is the second leading cause of death globally [1]. Focusing on thoracic cancers, there are distinct epidemiological pictures. Among all tumors, lung cancer has the highest incidence and mortality when both genders are taken into consideration together. However, differences are present when each gender is observed individually. In males, lung cancer is the number one cause of mortality and the second highest in incidence, while in females, it is the second most common reason for mortality and the third highest in incidence. On the other hand, esophageal cancer ranks sixth for overall mortality and tenth for overall incidence. It has a higher incidence (seventh) and mortality (sixth) in males compared to females (thirteenth and tenth respectively) [2]. Invasive thymoma and thymic carcinomas are rare tumors, consisting of about 1% of all malignancies, and the incidence and mortality rate in males and females is very similar [3].

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