
A Creative Proposal to Improve Woman and Child Health: from the Knowledge of Physical Nanoscience to Nanotechnology Implementation and Products

Hendry Izaac Elim (Elim Heaven)1-7*, Mapanawang, A. L.8 & Reddy, M. V.9,10

1Nanomaterials for Photonics Nanotechnology Laboratory (N4PN Lab.), Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Pattimura University (UNPATTI), Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Indonesia
2Nanotechnology Research Center and Innovative Creation, Research and Society Center (PPNRI-LPPM), UNPATTI, Jl. Mr. CHR. Soplanit, Rumah Tiga, Ambon, Indonesia
3Multidisciplinary Research Center of Excellence (MrCE), UNPATTI, Jl. Dr. Leimena, Ambon, Indonesia
4Multidisciplinary Bioinformatics Laboratory (MB Lab.), Biology Department, UNPATTI, Jl. Ir. Martinus Putuhena, Poka, Ambon, Indonesia
55Theoretical Physics Laboratory (TP Lab.), Department of Physics, FMIPA, UNPATTI, Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Poka, Ambon, Indonesia
6Maritime and Marine Science Center of Excellence, UNPATTI, Jl. Dr. Leimena, Ambon, Indonesia
7Laboratory of Electronics and Instrumentation (ELINS Lab.), Physics Department, UNPATTI, Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia
8Department of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Medika Mandiri Foundation, Halmahera, Indonesia
9Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore
10Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Dr. Hendry Izaac Elim, Department of Nanomedicine Pattimura University, Indonesia.

Keywords: Creative Proposal; Health Improvement; Multitasking; Technology Support


A creative proposal to improve woman and child health was developed from the knowledge of physical nanoscience to nanotechnology implementation and products. Two steps multitasking protecting health of woman and child based on a simple knowledge and understanding were applied by deriving [1] hybrid natural-human laboratories to [2] smart multitasking herbal supplement/ drugs fabrications and its implementation as well as its products. While by the use of a smart storage development of mobile nano-battery and supercapacitor understanding especially related to the knowledge of physics of nanoscience and nanotechnology characters, the knowledge improvement to support woman and child health was explained in providing their daily leisure and activities. These findings suggest that in order to improve woman and child health, the development of multitasking products such as herbal supplements/ drugs sustained by mobile technology supports are very important.

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