Hendry Izaac Elim (Elim Heaven)1-7*, Mapanawang, A. L.8 & Reddy, M. V.9,10
1Nanomaterials for Photonics Nanotechnology Laboratory (N4PN Lab.), Department of Physics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Pattimura University (UNPATTI), Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Indonesia
2Nanotechnology Research Center and Innovative Creation, Research and Society Center (PPNRI-LPPM),
UNPATTI, Jl. Mr. CHR. Soplanit, Rumah Tiga, Ambon, Indonesia
3Multidisciplinary Research Center of Excellence (MrCE), UNPATTI, Jl. Dr. Leimena, Ambon, Indonesia
4Multidisciplinary Bioinformatics Laboratory (MB Lab.), Biology Department, UNPATTI, Jl. Ir. Martinus
Putuhena, Poka, Ambon, Indonesia
5Theoretical Physics Laboratory (TP Lab.), Department of Physics, FMIPA, UNPATTI, Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Poka,
Ambon, Indonesia
6Maritime and Marine Science Center of Excellence, UNPATTI, Jl. Dr. Leimena, Ambon, Indonesia
7Laboratory of Electronics and Instrumentation (ELINS Lab.), Physics Department, UNPATTI, Ambon, Maluku,
8Department of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Medika Mandiri Foundation, Halmahera, Indonesia
9Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore
10Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
*Correspondence to: Dr. Hendry Izaac Elim, Department of Nanomedicine, Pattimura University,
Copyright © 2019 Dr. Hendry Izaac Elim, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received: 22 April 2019
Published: 07 May 2019
Keywords: Creative Proposal; Health Improvement; Multitasking; Technology Support
A creative proposal to improve woman and child health was developed from the knowledge of
physical nanoscience to nanotechnology implementation and products. Two steps multitasking
protecting health of woman and child based on a simple knowledge and understanding were applied
by deriving [1] hybrid natural-human laboratories to [2] smart multitasking herbal supplement/
drugs fabrications and its implementation as well as its products. While by the use of a smart storage
development of mobile nano-battery and supercapacitor understanding especially related to the
knowledge of physics of nanoscience and nanotechnology characters, the knowledge improvement
to support woman and child health was explained in providing their daily leisure and activities.
These findings suggest that in order to improve woman and child health, the development of
multitasking products such as herbal supplements/ drugs sustained by mobile technology supports
are very important.
The basic knowledge and understanding of health improving via nanoscience and nanotechnology [1-
10] in this sophisticated 21st century has been in an intensive search and deep works by many different
multidisciplinary scientists. On the other hand, complicated small islands with the physical oceanography
knowledge closely connected with environmental problems especially in Indonesia country with full of
various ~14,000 islands in the center of earth equator line: a challenge for improving woman and child health
[11-14] particularly with so many ocean bridges among such tens of thousands small islands. It was like a
mother and her child grown together. Among various types of causes of human health and deaths, a deathly
parasite infected by HIV/ AIDS virus had been the problems of in human body for a long period of time.
Therefore, it has been a long history of such undefeated virus since ~1982 [15-18] because of its damages
happened inside human smallest cells of DNA which is very hard to completely cured it all. Although the
advanced understanding to handle the retro-virus like HIV/ AIDS [19-24] has been deeply investigated
up to genome system down to DNA and RNA, the crucial problem is still not fully solved yet. In addition,
herbal medicine multitasking products such as Love herbal as a natural supplement/ drug product [25-31]
introduced to handle part of the above mentioned problems has been in active and attractive improvement
recently due to its simple natural product, safety use, and easy fabrication as well as its healing system of
multitasks. However, such retro-parasites that encoded human DNA are still completely unsolved yet. The
indicators were so obvious from the existence of HIV/ AIDS virus even after it was bombarded with a high
concentration of many different types of medicines such lamivudine, and Love herbal. This was an ongoing
complicated example of human problems especially related to others (animals, and environment as well as
another human being). Furthermore, once mother was infected, the child in the womb was also transferred
by the virus.
In present letter, we discuss our novel proposal in order to solve such complex problem focusing on the
improvement of woman and child health through the knowledge of physical nanoscience to nanotechnology implementation and products [1-59]. Our method as briefly described in Fig. 1 shows 3 significant
parameters of the study involving: (1). Knowledge and understanding, (2). Multi-tasking protecting health,
and (3). Health technology supports. The explanations of woman and child health relationships have been
discussed using the illustrations starting from multitasking herbal medicine system to smart nano-battery
storage development. By conducting such creative way of thinking, ones obtain interesting links with the
improvement of woman and child health such as both in 7 healing system in Love herbal medicine [8], and
in nano-battery storage system [52-59].
Figure 1: A strategy to improve and develop a smart work for an excellence impact in woman and child health:
from knowledge to technology
The detail of truth thinking in order to solve a dramatically improvement in woman and child health was
proposed based on the structure of implementation as depicted in Fig. 1. According to the knowledge and
understanding introduced by Elim in Ref. [5], the first 1000 days of human life begun from the life of baby
in woman womb until the live of child outside of the womb for ~2.01 years old are very important moments
for the future life of the child as well as the happiness of the mother. The understanding was developed from
nanoscience and nanotechnology knowledge of the first 1000 atoms characters. Figure 1 shows an extension
from knowledge and understanding to multitasking protecting health, and health technology supports in
conjunction with the improvement of both woman and child health. The multitasking protecting health is
being built from the making of health products of supplements and/ or drugs for a better daily life of human
being. While the health technology supports were fabricated worldwide associated with the advancement
of smart mobile nano-battery storage since this 21st century has been very super-modern with so many sophisticated
mobile technology and engineering such as large scale vehicles and shipping system, super-fast
aviation technology, and well-controlled satellite communication with a detail high resolution view system.
Figure 2 shows two steps multitasking protecting health based on a simple knowledge and understanding:
from (1) hybrid natural-human laboratories such as nanomedicine garden (http://lppm.unpatti.ac.id/pusatpnri)
to (2) smart multitasking herbal supplement/ drugs fabrications and its implementation as well as its products. By advancing these two steps style of working, ones found, for example: a herbal medicine made by
zingiberaceae fruit called as golobe/ galobe by people in North Maluku and Maluku provinces areas [25-31]
that the herbal can heal at least 7 different deceases in the same time. This healing system was introduced
theoretically by Elim in 2016 to 2017 [6,7]. As depicted in Fig. 2, Elim and Mapanawang found that from
21 essential substances existed in Love herbal [8,30] measured using GCMS, there are 7 healing system due
to: (1). Very good inhibition linked to the incredible content of flavonoid (~6.54ng/ml), (2). Unique chemical
bonding related to toxic absorbance, (3). HIV/ AIDS parasites killing system, (4). Anti-hypertension due to
2,6 diethyl pyridine, (5). Anti-cholesterol because of the chemical substance of C27H44O, (6). Anti-diabetic
with sitosterol (C29H50O), and (7). Anti-inflammation contributed by α -humulene (α-caryophyllene).
This 7 healing system in 1 time was called as a multitasking healing system written in Christian Holy Bible
by prophets and apostle of Zechariah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John about 2600 and 1900 years ago, respectively
[60]. It should be pointed out that herbal medicine can be either a supplement due to its safe antioxidant or
a safe herbal drug without any other side effects. Such marvelous knowledge is very useful to improve any
disturbing conditions of woman and child health during their growth. The reason of using such multitasking
herbal supplement/ drug is due to its plenty benefits in comparison with that of modern (high technology)
synthetic drug with only one drug for one target.
Figure 2: Two steps multitasking protecting health based on a simple knowledge and understanding: from (1)
hybrid natural-human laboratories to [2] smart multitasking herbal supplement/ drugs fabrications and its
implementation as well as its products.
Finally, technology as the real implementation of theoretical and applied physics [1,4-7], and experimental
and creative works [2,3,9,10] was based on conservation laws in nature in conjunction with human being
eternal life. Such idea has been applied, for example by using light matter interaction such as in an integrated
electro-optics system with nano-lasers system [32-33]: Why light from random particles? was first time
introduced by using liquid crystal particles doped with dyes with different concentration in order to tune
the laser light output wavelengths. Moreover, knowledge to improve mobile nano-chip inside human body
[34-37] was firstly invented from the first five-level model in nano-chip of fullerene or bucky ball (C60),
and then later extended by incorporating it with another molecule of special polymers. In addition, exotics
nano-hybrid materials for cathode nano-materials based on binary nanostructures [38,39] and ternary
nanomaterials [40-41] were marvelous because of its size and interactions among two to three atoms in
a nm-structure system can improve various physical behaviors of a device involving ultrafast nonlinearity
response, high mobility of electricity, and a very strong power output with only small amount of materials.
A multitasking TiO2 superhybrid material [42-45] is very interesting to be explored, for instance as a
nano-battery storage material particularly linked to lithium ion battery (LIBs) which is very excellence so
far among its another counterparts due to the following few significant reasons [46-59]: (1). High energy
density, (2). Less self-discharge rate, (3). Long shelf-life compared to Ni-MH and Ni-Cd cells, and (4). Fast
storage response. The idea to correspond such marvelous findings to woman and child health as illustrated in
Fig. 3 was mostly consisted of a woman with two daughters associated with anode, cathode and separation
materials in their environmental system, respectively. Knowledge to improve nano-anode materials [46-
51] associated with 1D and 2D carbon nanostructures like carbon nanotubes (CNT) or aligned-CNT or
even nitrogen doped-CNT is very useful to distinguish between one daughter and another one. While the
improving of cathode material to enhance the voltage output of nano-battery is very likely associated with
mother health. The physical characters of nano-battery and its materials as shown in Refs. [52-59] are now
understandable to its implementation in improving woman and her children health.
Figure 2: A smart storage development of mobile nano-battery and supercapacitor using the knowledge of
physics of nanoscience and nanotechnology characters in order to support woman and child health particularly in
providing their daily leisure and activities.
In conclusion, in order to find out a dramatically improvement of woman and child health, multitasking
herbal supplements/ drugs are in great need for their daily life. While the quality of woman and child health
was dependence on their leisure life daily particularly associated with smart technology supports such as a
system of working in nano-battery storage.
The research work of HIE and MVR was granted by a very competitive funding called as a world class
research (WCR) grant provided by Indonesia Ministry of Higher Education (Ristek-Dikti) from this year
of 2019 to 2021 entitled as “Nanotechnology Strorage Mobile NanoBattery (SMN-B) for Future Energy
Conflict of Interest Statement
The all authors declare that they have no both financial and idea conflicts in completing this frontier
interesting collaborative paper.
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