Volume 1  Issue 4

Physical Exercise and Cognition Among Women: Mobilization of Consolidatory Biomarkers

Trevor Archer

Physical and neuropsychological health concerns, contrary to popular belief, are apparently not on the decrease, but rather, in more disadvantaged and even other global regions, are providing greater concern for poor health and prognosis [1-3] through lifestyle-induced disease states. [..] READ MORE

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Acute Pneumonia: Biological Rules and Laws Require Attention and Respect

Klepikov, I.

Various aspects of human life proceed according to the existing biological rules and laws regardless of our consciousness. The influence of such biological stereotypes is manifested in all possible situations, including in the state of disease. The presence of certain patterns in the development of diseases allows them to distinguish and classify. [..] READ MORE

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Updates in Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes in 2018

Kaitlyn Shank1, B.S. & Kanika Shanker1,2*, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Pediatric endocrinology deals largely with the very common diseases of childhood and adolescence such as diabetes, rickets and obesity along with more rare and nuanced diseases such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia and disorders of sexual differentiation. Technology rapidly advances the treatment of diabetes and guidelines are constantly changing for the treatment of many common endocrine conditions. [..] READ MORE

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Child Delivery and Antioxidants

Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi1* & Obeagu Getrude Uzoma2

Child delivery is a process that culminates from conception. Child delivery possesses stress that increases levels of free radicals both in the mother and the child. The increased levels of free radicals can affect the fetal heart rate and affect the outcome of child delivery if not handled promptly and accurately. [..] READ MORE

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An Update on Cytokines in Pregnancy: Implications on Mothers and Newborns

Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi1* & Obeagu Getrude Uzoma2

Cytokines are a broad and loose category of small proteins secreted by cells of the immune system that act as chemical messengers. Cytokines are produced by a broad range of cells; a given cytokine may be produced by more than one type of cell. [..] READ MORE

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Longitudinal Study of Anti- Inflammatory and Pro- Inflammatory Cytokines in Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Nigeria

Aloy-Amadi Oluchi, C.1, Amilo Grace, I.1, Ifeanyichukwu Martin1, Obeagu Emmanuel Ifeanyi2*, Ken-Ezihuo Stella3 & Ahaneku Osuji4

Normal Pregnancy is characterized by changes in Immunological profiles which have been linked to physiological adaptation. These immunological parameters are either elevated or decreased to reinforce immunity and maintain a healthy pregnancy, but returns to that of non-pregnant state at about 4-6 weeks after delivery. [..] READ MORE

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