
Trends in Utilization of New Digital Technologies in Healthcare: Implications for Nursing Practice

Lindsay, G.1,2*, Quincey, L.2, Amal, Y.2 & Cayetano, S.2

1School of Nursing, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
2Al Hada Armed Forces Hospital, Taif Region, Saudi Arabia

Lindsay, G., School of Nursing, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Healthcare; Nursing


Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications are growing rapidly in a variety of healthcare delivery systems and processes. Healthcare practitioners and those requiring health care are likely to be directly impacted by these developments in the near future. Making the new technology more difficult to understand is the new vocabulary that is evolving in this area of science and technology.
The objectives of this topic review are to provide an understanding of what is meant by the entity ‘artificial intelligence’ and how it is being created and used to enhance healthcare delivery. This includes an overview of the key resources, terminology and assumptions used in the preparation of AI components for use in various healthcare disciplines and settings as well as other applications. The range of inter-connectivity with a variety of data sources and outputs are presented highlighting the strengths and limitations that AI powered healthcare devices may offer in the healthcare field.
This review provides an overview of AI in a range of emerging digital applications within and beyond healthcare practice and its interface between healthcare practitioners and those requiring healthcare interventions. Some of the challenges and opportunities for improved patient care from a healthcare standpoint are discussed together with examples of areas where greatest applications are being achieved. These developments have the potential to influence the direction and delivery of healthcare. The goals in introducing AI resourced processes and devices in healthcare are to improve efficiency while maintaining quality healthcare for the population at an affordable cost. Through a clearer understanding of the underpinning technology, its capacity, capability, complexity and concerns, better informed decision-making can facilitate the effective integration of this new technology.

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