
The Differences in Gene Expression in the Brain of Rats and Monkeys May Explain Cognitive Differences Between these Orders

Vanessa Novaes Barros

Department of Neuroscience/ Neurology, Estácio de Sá University, Brazil

Vanessa Novaes Barros, Department of Neuroscience/ Neurology, Estácio de Sá University, Brazil.

Keywords: Anatomy; Primates; Biochemical Relevance; Neural Connectivity; Gene Development


Research for understands human brain and the differences with the other animals happens since many centuries ago. The publication “Origin of Species” in 1859 of Darwin was an important event in the incessant process of searching for the differences and similarities between humans, their close relatives, monkeys and other animals. However, our particularities have made us so unique that the British palaeontologist and anatomist Richard Owen (1804-1892) published, in the year following Darwin’s publication, his book suggesting a new order for humans (which would be Bimana “those with and a new subclass (Archenchefala, “dominant brain”) that separated it from other primates [1].

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