CPQ Women and Child Health (2018) 1:1

Digital Information and Communication Technologies as a Care Tool for Women and Children

Marcos Renato De Oliveira

Department of Nursing, UFPI, Brazil

*Correspondence to: Dr. Marcos Renato De Oliveira, Department of Nursing, UFPI, Brazil.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Marcos Renato De Oliveira. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 02 August 2018
Published: 03 August 2018

Keywords: Digital Information; Communication Technologies

Nowadays, we are experiencing a revolution in the areas of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT), in which every day professionals and clients are surrounded by a variety of technological products, and it is therefore pertinent that those technologies are allies in the care process.

Thus, it is pertinent that professionals and researchers not only consume the DICT, but also develop products that facilitate, organize and assist in the care process; products that are safe for all involved, especially for the client.

It is a fact that there are already technologies, specially the “hard” ones, like machinery and equipment that are very helpful in the diagnostic process, that lead to the identification of health problems. Everyone must be aware that health care is not summarized in a diagnoses, and that it is necessary to develop technologies to help in all phases of caring, such as data collection, planning, and the evaluation of the care provided. Evaluation in particular -needs a lot of attention, in most cases the caring of a women and an infant are produced and consumed at the same time.

Also, professors and students need to be aware of the need for the informatization of care, as a result of the increasing amount of information we share in our daily life we can no longer disregard a process of teachinglearning as unrelated, disconnected from the needs of the rest of society, and research into Information as it relates to health must take a priority. Thus, the health sector must follow this process of social evolution.

It should be noted, however, that the practice of human care is not fundamentally modified by the use of information technology and more; the application and use of these technologies are part of a set of tools that professionals can use to provide assistance in a dynamic, safe and effective manner.

Thus, we call on all researchers to observe their own attitudes and practices in the face of the demands of the DICT era, which can no longer be ignored, especially in the context of the care for women and children.

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