CPQ Medicine (2021) 11:2

COVID-19 WAR, Vaccines Versus Medicines

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

Department of Haematology, BBAdvies and Research Company, Netherlands

*Correspondence to: Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou, Department of Haematology, BBAdvies and Research Company, Netherlands.

Copyright © 2021 Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 30 December 2020
Published: 06 January 2021

Keywords: Hypertension; Diabetes; COVID-19

Per definition, vaccines are used as preventive and Medicines as therapeutic drugs to save the life of subjects, however. Against COVID-19 mutants still, there is no standard preventive and/or therapeutic approaches, globally [1-5]. Current research studies focused either on molecular or clinically changes of COVID-19 infection mechanism, trying to discover the cellular immune responses, which did not result in standard protocols, yet (January 2021).

Moreover, the associated Vaccines/Medicinal approaches of contracted patients still remained to be standardized, on the other hand.

Recent medical methodologies (2020) considered as prophylactic and/or military’s view-based managements (herd immunity-views), were considered as rapidly developed novel vaccines with associated treatment programs. The main concerns exist over the possible rise of new novel mutants and inflammatory- allergic reactions, which might bring more aggressiveness than current diffused variants, in the near future. Basic Scientists around the world, are studying (Nano-)Microscopic interactions/ vaccines/ medicines to tackle different kinds of mutated COVID-19, under an ex-vivo and/or in-situ conditions.

As we described previously, pandemic attacks via COVID-19 production cause more than One million death, which exact mechanism is not elucidated yet [1,2]. One might expect that in less than one year designated ICU-crisis teams of the WHO/CDC could tackle this health disaster. Moreover, globally patients should not suffer from medicine side effects, after one year research and development studies done.

Recently, produced convalescent plasma cocktails introduced to save the life of COVID-19 patients in the terminal phase, which also did not result in a standard clinical protocol against COVID-19 infection that could be used in the ICU’s, eventually.

Simultaneously, complot theories express their concerns about the possible beginning of a Biologic war, which now every country possesses well almost the same weapons and they got its own COVID-19 variant (and beyond) however. Nevertheless, having appropriate vaccines and/or Medicine might save the life of lot of people in the next years.

There are different packages and hypothetical cocktails, which (il-)legally used and might save life of some patients randomly (data not published). Although there are hope that one or two proposed mixtures as Medicine might be used as essential components to develop a standard anti-COVID-19 treatment. How? And which criteria might be used to achieve this goal is depending on COVID-19 disease progression in subject , which is so-called personalized medicine-related management. One might find coherent that each contracted patient is suffering from the different contamination and (re-)production of COVID-19 variants in patient’s body. Hence, making a standard protocol to get set a rapid diagnostic, subsequently quick treatment is most desired, sooner or later. Though how? And which approach should be chosen remains the main challenge globally.

Comparison of Vaccines and Medicines revealed that vaccines typically used as preventive biologic products(for internal antimicrobial usage), which however could be standardized/generalized for certain diseases with chronic efficacy. In contrary, Medicines either biologic or synthetic are administered as curative products, which could be either standardized/generalized or used as personalized, for curative aims immediately (Table 1).

Table 1: Comparison Vaccines with Medicines

Vaccines developed against viruses in the last 100 years showed that they could not be standardized and each decade, manufacturers and Medics need to revise their formula recipe of old vaccines, to achieve efficacy above 95%. It is noteworthy that limit 50-60% for viral vaccines were never good enough, and mainly were symptomatic/ preventive tactics. Moreover, logically bring One’s attention into the efficacy and safety of any health products either biologic or synthetically manufactured in 2020.

According to global data on one hand, whole world are experiencing almost 2 million death (and counting) conveyed chaotic attitudes. On the other hand, raising data is showing that all cured patients might randomly treated by “unknown” mixtures and factors. Recall, these results are exerting extra pressures to Medics that these results are our last call [5]. In the last centuries human being globally suffered from different microbial epidemics and pandemics, which because of underdeveloped technologies never could fight back against aggressive microorganisms, eventually. In 21th Century One dead person is too much, where all modern technologies and Medicines are available [5].

Currently, is augmented data show that all three vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca appear extremely effective against COVID-19 (Wuhan variant). The FDA told that these three companies should show more than > 50% effectiveness, to get accelerated authorization. All three study data showed they got more than 70% efficacy that mark while requiring two doses for maximum effectiveness [3,4]. Though, the companies have not yet released all the data on how well their vaccine works in different age or ethnic groups (Schaffner notes) or for people with different health disorders [4]. Obviously, their recent studies were too small to answer those queries considerably. Still, the question remains about which vaccine is for whom it really has safe efficacy?” said Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Studies have not yet been completed on all fragile groups i.e. children or pregnant women, Schaffner distinguished [4]. Their studies also will not determine how long protection keeps up with new conditions [4]. And the companies could not disclose whether the vaccine prevents COVID-19 infection, or just lowers the amount of COVID-19 virus adequately to keep a person from getting sick. None of three vaccine producing companies with more than 70% efficacy have reported any major safety complications, “ Schaffner said” [4].

The take home message is that viruses could be reproduced by three main mechanisms i.e. via 1. Externally produced air-borne(EPAB), 2. Internally produced blood-borne (IPBB) and 3. Unknown produced yetborne (UPYB) processes. Obviously, the exact mechanism of how COVID-19 is (re-)produced is not elucidated completely.

One speculates that COVID-19(s) are EPAB’s kind, another speculates that is more IPBB kind with certain intentions, either economical or military goals hiding behind. Simultaneously, using vaccines as curative Medicine to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic globally, seems to be more a non-medical plan. Now with 80 million contaminations and accelerated COVID-19 mutations, prevention is the last One might choose, except experts have a significant argument that predicts otherwise.

Now there is no room for mistakes and “quick and dirty” tests. In the last Century is becoming clear that Science- based products were the main cause of human civilization and development, compared to 1000 years ago. What is happening now? Do we go back to times that no remedy was for simple diseases?

Taken together, now we know what are the differences between vaccines and medicines and One might never choose a vaccine, above certain drugs when a person becomes sick. All vaccines are made for precaution and preventive approaches not for the cure/ care of 80 million (8 milliards) contaminated patients (subjects).


  1. Bahram Alamdary Badlou (2020). COVID-19 War, Economic-Based Sciences. CPQ Medicine., 10(6), 01-03.
  2. Bahram Alamdary Badlou & Hedayati, M. (2020). COVID-19 War, Cytokines Storms Enigma. CPQ Medicine., 10(1), 01-03.
  3. Melinda Millsa, C. & David Salisbury (2020). The challenges of distributing COVID-19 vaccinations. EClinical Medicine, 000(2020), 100674.
  4. Steve Baragona (2020). COVID-19 Pandemic. Here's How the Three COVID-19 Vaccines Compare.
  5. Badlou, B. A. (2018). The 21st Century Target Supposed to be ‘One’ Even is too Much, A Short Commentary about Postoperative Thrombosis and Expected Disorders. J Thrombo Cir., 4(1), 1-2.

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