CPQ Medicine (2018) 1:6
Short Communication

Bad Habits in Our Daily Life and its Solution

Dr. Ashraful Kabir

Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh

*Correspondence to: Dr. Ashraful Kabir, Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Ashraful Kabir. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 12 June 2018
Published: 28 June 2018

Keywords: Bad Habits; Human


In peoples sneezing, coughing, spitting, hand-shaking, betel leaves, smoking all are bad habits. Moreover, some peoples are always making destructive comments, starting with negative, speaking when angry, making excuse and not listening from someone argument. Spitting on road and smoking in open place are very common and it looks very dirty. Interesting phenomenon is that when these peoples stay in their home and go abroad not act this job. Sometimes they say this is bad but they do it which is totally a psychological matter at all. If any parents do all of these bad habits in front their children automatically they will be habituated to do it. If anybody knows that this is their bad habit or harmful for the society of course they can change it. Moreover, by applying very strong law and counseling for consciousness may help to remove these bad habits from the society.

Habits are behavioural routines that tend to occur unconsciously and in many cases become institutionalized over time [1]. Habits are defined as behaviours that are performed with a minimum of cognitive effort. The negative consequences of smoking and a fat diet may harm in the long run. Spitting on road is very common phenomenon in our society. The people who do it they say when come on road for some foul smell and sometimes suffer from throat problem. But the same person when they are in abroad or at home or in any clean environment they do not. Moreover, the people who take cigarettes their mouth or lung can be affected. So need to reduce smoking and in severe cases consult with a physician. From the prehistoric past man use to live in village and they were not clean. This bad habit is our ancestral characteristics. But our knowledge of course makes suggestion on good health. In this world there are many people who do not take cigarette. We are civilized and civilizing day by day. Our teachers are teaching in their class about harmful effect on bad habit. After detecting those bad habits of the people only suggestions may help to remove above bad habits.

Result and Discussion
Most of the illiterate people have this bad practice. In village this scenario is more vulnerable than urban areas. Some people react negatively and some become ashamed and some promise that they will not do it further. After being affected by diseases most people give up these bad habits. After having diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure most people walks and this is very common scenario in Bangladesh. In house some people gargle with high sound in bathroom and take betel leaf. Spitting outside, throwing juice of betel leaf, smoking and telling unwanted words and misbehaving with others is very common in bus, train or any public gathering. Habits can be overlapping and reinforcing to each other. Using cell phone in an inappropriate situation and in car for very short distances is not important. Frequent repetition of behaviour will result in the development of such a script [2]. A script can thus be conceived as a response on a stimulus [3], and hence the principles of classical and operant conditioning seem to apply on this behaviour [4,5,6]. Principles of conditioning have been demonstrated in using rat and pigeon. Also the specific recognition has been observed in Norwegian Rat [7]. People usually start smoking consciously to establish an image to toughness, maturity and independence form authority [3] or to comply with pressures from their friends [8]. Cortical and cerebellum motive of human brain controls our behavior whether this is good or bad and finally this conflict may persist quitting smoking.

We should follow the guidelines on human hygiene. Personal hygiene is very important inside and outside. If we want to maintain our sound health of course should know the human body mechanism. Home is the first place where child knows personal hygiene or giving up bad habits from their parents. Parents are the root model for any discipline. Home educations are main priority for good food habit, personal hygiene, moral education and religious education. We have a duty to teach our next generation for stop smoking and betel leaf with accessories or other bad habits. If the justice of this violation is delayed; the habit will hardly be changed. Give information that enjoyment in an outdoor activity, health benefits of regular exercise and environmental benefits of lowering fossil fuel consumption are good [9]. If we give award to people for good habit they will refrain for doing bad.


  1. Goyal, A., Ilmanen, A. & Kabiller, D. (2015). Bad habits and good practices. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 41(4), 1-12.
  2. Fiske, S. T. & Taylor, S. E. (1991). Social cognition. (2nd. Ed.). New York, USA: McGraw-Hill.
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  8. Levinthal, H. & Cleary, P. D. (1980). The smoking problem: a review of the research and theory in behavioral risk modification. Psychological Bulletin, 88(2), 370-405.
  9. Jager, W. (2003). Breaking bad habits: a dynamical perspective on habit formation and change. In: Hendrickx, L., Jager, W., Steg, L. Human decision making and environmental perception. Liber Amicorum for Charles Vlek, Groningen: University of Groningen.

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