
Eating Disorder Psychopathology: Compulsive Exercise Interventions

Trevor Archer* & Max Rapp-Ricciardi

University of Gothenburg, Department of Psychology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Dr. Trevor Archer, University of Gothenburg, Department of Psychology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Keywords: Eating Disorder; Anorexia; Bulimia; Binge-Eating; Alexythemia; Psychopathology; Intervention


Eating disorder psychopathology, on the basis of the clinical evidence generally reported, would appear to be more frequent among female sufferers than among males with their forms, dimensions and co-morbidities expressed as different typologies, such that in the males binge-eating disorder was over-representative as opposed to the excessive prevalence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa often combined with alexythemia among female sufferers.
A systematic review of the literature was performed to seek out the various factors affecting eating disorders among individuals, particularly women.
Alexythemia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and syndromes associated with binge-eating, loss of behavioural control and disinhibition all contribute to a situation fraught with major public health through eating disorders as expressed by binge, over- and compulsive eating habits, and place huge burden of personal suffering, social problems and financial loss.

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