
Phytoalexins, Epigenetic, Nutrigenomics, Are We in the Right Track..?

Rafael Inigo Pavlovich

Department of Musculoskeletal Diseases, Ti Orthopedica Institute, Mexico

Dr. Rafael Inigo Pavlovich, Department of Musculoskeletal Diseases, Ti Orthopedica Institute, Mexico.

Keywords: Phytoalexin; Autophagy; Inflammation


The arsenal of the surgeon and the clinician must cover a further and deeper perimeter. We are evolutionary beings, and therefore, we have in our DNA the traces of evolution imprinted in genomic expressions based on epigenetics and nutrigenomics [1,2].
We seek the solution of diseases, sometimes attacking the effect rather than the cause. If we could understand the powerful weapon of nutrition, we would be better armed to combat many scenarios or improve them [3].
Our western diet is full of ingredients that generate silent inflammation and increase obesity rates [4].
The inflammation that does not lead to a straightforward repair process causes a hostile response in the joint environment, and we are obliged to reduce this inflammation from its origin by changing what is called lifestyle, which not only refers to a diet, it is a much broader concept that includes exercise, intermittent fasting and evolutionary diet such as Paleolithic.

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