
COVID-19 War, Orthopedics Approaches Reconsideration

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

Hematologist, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands

Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou, Hematologist, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands.

Keywords: COVID-19; Orthopedic Surgery; Virus


Orthopedics Medical approaches are lifesaving procedures, which uses surgical operation where pathophysiological processes are internally damaging organs of patients, which immediate surgery has remained as an ultimate approach. Although, non-surgical alternatives might be preferred first because of the COVID-19 variants’ mortal risks either for patients or for the operating surgical team increased.
There are so many unknown factors about the complexity of orthopedic approaches and interaction of the COVID-19 risky presence overall that not only orthopedics tactics but also certain patients being operated is under question.

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