
Nesa Non-Invasive Neuromodulation; A New Frontier of Treatment of the Autonomous Nervous System in Physiotherapy

Raquel Medina-Ramírez1*, Fabiola Molina-Cedrés2, Anibal Báez-Suárez2 & David Álamo-Arce1

1SocDig Research Group, Physiotherapy, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
2Physiotherapy, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Dr. Raquel Medina-Ramírez, SocDig Research Group, Physiotherapy, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Keywords: Neuromodulation; Microcurrents; Autonomous Nerve System; Electrotherapy; Physiotherapy Modalities


In the 1920s there was no scientist suggested that life could be electrically oriented, from the discoveries of Hodgkin et al. (1964) [1] the existence of the nerves´ action potentials was demonstrated, moreover they demonstrated that the electrical impulses could be coordinated by a central nervous system by the existence of ion channels. Sixty years later, the application of electricity in medicine has potentially been developed and is a continuous growing field. The development of a new microcurrent application called NESA takes a step further in the field of physical medicine. It is a neuromodulation with global capacity, this means that it acts on modulating actions such as orthodromic impulses that activate descending inhibitory tracts, afferent regulation mechanisms and efferent regulation of neuromodulator systems [2].
Nesa non-invasive neuromodulation is based on a superficial treatment through electrical microcurrent, which is governed by Wilder’s law and hormesis [3]. It produced imperceptible sensations through low impedance areas by the NXsignaldevice. This treatment is based on the application of a biphasic low frequency current with parameters lower than conventional electrotherapy [4,5]. Its intensity varies from 0.1 - 1 milliamp and the frequency from 1.14 to 14.28 Hertz. All these parameters fluctuate determined by the programs of the device NXsignal, except the voltage, which the therapist can choose between 3 or 6 volts.

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