
Competent Treatment a Measles at Children and Adults Without Vaccines

Dmitrieva Elena Germanovna

A Clinical Pharmacict, Charitable Pharmaceutical Clinic, Russia

Dr. Dmitrieva Elena Germanovna, A Clinical Pharmacict, Charitable Pharmaceutical Clinic, Russia.

Keywords: Measles; Pre-Natal Infection; Vaccinal Strain; Limphocytes


Measles (Morbilli) - the sharp infectious disease caused by a virus of measles, transferred air-drop by, characterised catarrhal a syndrome, defeat of mucous membranes of an oral cavity, an intoxication syndrome, presence is spotty-papulez rashes with transition in pigmentation.
Historical data.The measles are allocated in independent nosological the form in second half XVIII centuries though it is known long before our era. The filtered nature of the activator of measles is proved in 1911 Anderson, Goldberger to which managed to receive experimental measles at monkeys. The first strain measles virus is allocated in 1954 G. Enders, T Peebles.
Aetiology. The activator of measles Polinosa morbillarum concerns to paravixovurus (family Paramyxoviridae, sort ???billivirus), contains RNA, has the wrong spherical form with a diameter virion 120-250 nanometers. Strains measles virus are identical in the antigene relation, possess complementary, hemagglutinating, hemalysing properties and simplestorage activity. The measles virus is unstable in environment, is sensitive to ultra-violet beams and a sunlight. In saliva droplets perishes through 30 mines, at drying instantly. Well transfers low temperatures: at - 70° keeps activity within 5 years. Measles virus it is possible to allocate from blood, nasopharyngeal washouts, cal, urine, cerebrospinal the liquids, separated conjunctivas.

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