
Death Triangle Machinery, Assumptions About Possible Correlation Between Peritonitis- Platelets- Microorganism and Death Causes

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

PhD Hematology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands Telefax. +31302211328, Email:

Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou, PhD Hematology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands Telefax. +31302211328.

Keywords: Cancer; Human; Peritonitis; Platelets; Microorganism


Death triangle machinery (DTM) activation cause significant increase in mortality and morbidity risks, however [1-4]. The mechanism of action is rather invented than facts-based theories, and real standard means to prevent DTM do not approved yet. There are so much key factors missing at Nano- and Microenvironment signaling that a real mechanism, which might work for everybody do not exist as well. One of major key player in increasing In-Hospital Death Rate (IHDR) and overall-death rate (ODR) is catastrophically mixed-ups of the (un-)known microorganisms’ involved in the septic shock, and cancerogenous irregular process. For instance, secondary peritonitis accounts for 1% of urgent or emergent hospital admissions and is the second leading cause of sepsis in patients in intensive care units globally [3]. Different data is showing that overall mortality is increasing to 35-40% in the different  patients, who develop severe sepsis.

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