
Aushwietzergaden: A Process of Lusion

Adrian Dane Kenny

Jamway Research Firm, 270 Huntington Avenue, #513 Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA

Dr. Adrian Dane Kenny, Jamway Research Firm, 270 Huntington Avenue, #513 Boston, Massachusetts 02115, United States of America,, adrian.d.kenny@, 617-697-0732

Keywords: Lusion; Semilusion, Psychosis; Aushwietzergaden; Schizophrenia; Schizoaffective Disorder; Hypomania; Amoral; Jamaican


Lusion is something that you have that gives you common sense and a clear state of mind. It depends on many factors for an individual person or patient. It is what many people and patients seek. However during medical school the education is often focused on psychopathology rather than the ideals that patients and other people strive for. During my experience with the psychiatric system in the United States of America and Jamaica, the factors that were affecting my state of mind were not thoroughly investigated through history taking and engaging me in helpful conversation. Or adequately with psychotherapy. Instead the treaters seem to want to merely prescribe medication and verify compliance. Engaging in understanding the lusion of a patient can and will assist many patients to overcome factors that affect their clear state of mind.

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