
A Shangri-La on This Cosmos

Anand Mohan

Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh, Agra 282005, India

Dr. Anand Mohan, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh, Agra 282005, India.

Keywords: Shangri-La; Superman; Enigmatic Smile; Mona Lisa; Cutie-Pie Smile; Sigma Six Q


In fiction, Shangri-La is often depicted as an earthly paradise, specifically a mythical Himalayan arcadia that is portrayed as an impressively blissful realm, isolated from the rest of the world. There is no comparable counterpart anywhere else in the universe to Dayalbagh, the ‘Garden of the Merciful’ that contemporaneously rivals Shangri-La. This article explores a wide range of subjects, from Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece painting, the “Mona Lisa”, to the concept of the future Superman. The blissfully radiant ‘cutie-pie’ smile of the toddlers in Dayalbagh surpasses even the enigmatic smile of “Mona Lisa”. The leadership of a living spiritual master, combined with a simple life style, profoundly influences the intellectual, intuitive, and spiritual faculties of these budding infants of the superhuman evolutionary scheme.

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