
An Ode to the Nutrient Mango: A Systems Approach

Anand Mohan

Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh, Agra 282005, India

Dr. Anand Mohan, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University), Dayalbagh, Agra 282005, India.

Keywords: Nutrient Mango; Vegan; Banaras; Langra Aam; Systems Approach; Artificial Intelligence


Mangos are indeed delicious, refreshing, and nutritious, but that’s only the beginning of their exciting tale. So, let’s slice the mouthwatering and juicy mango right in to begin a celebration. Both, the ‘Langra Aam (Mango)’ and city of Banaras hold a unique distinction. Mark Twain enthralled by the legend and sanctity of Banaras, wrote: “Banaras is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together”. As the spectacular Cassia fistula (Amaltash) blooming as golden showers in the heat of summer are soothing to the observers’ eyes; so do the mangoes acquire delicious taste after ripening in the scorching heat which is in consonance with the basic philosophy of life. However, the transportation of mango, being a perishable item, to multiple locations is a critical step and requires composite scientific networking involving the systems approach and artificial intelleigence. Merchandising of Mangos is an accomplished art and the associated team should receive communication and training on an ongoing basis to transform logistics and supply chain as a game changer.

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