
Macro-Biophysical Psychophysiological Therapy in Practice

Naisberg Yakov

Freelancer, Haifa, Israel

Dr. Naisberg Yakov, Freelancer, Haifa, Israel.

Keywords: Psychophysiological Progress; Mental Disorders


Macro-biophysical psychophysiological therapy (MBPT) practice rests on a baseline of applying the volitional shifts on attention, intention vectors as well as oriental methods to challenge mental disorders driving the body into relaxation. The latter means to bring underlying distress of transient homeostatic deregulation (THD) by resynchronizing from afresh all organs and systems of the giving organism. NBPT is a robust biophysical psychophysiological mechanism of action using placebo inducing factors aiming to gradually install a transient homeostatic resynchronizing (THR) condition. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the practical use of voluntarily shifted attention vector, intention vector and some of the oriental methods in replacing THD with THR.

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