
COVID-19 War, Death Triangle Is Mutating into a Bidirectional Rectangle and/or Pentagonal

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

PhD Hematology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands. Telefax. +31302211328, Email:

Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou, PhD Hematology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands. Telefax. +31302211328.

Keywords: COVID-19; Thrombosis; Death Rate


COVID-19 infection (more 200 million) and death rate (more than 4.5 million, Aug 2021) are increasing irreversibly, which are affecting whole globe society’s combination toward certain Darwinism’s selection system, concerning human genre. Complications originating from bad treatments and unspecific diagnostics aggravate contracted patients, uninterruptedly [1-3].
As previously described different angles of the death triangle i.e. Cancer- Platelets disorders - Microorganisms (C-P-M), based on cancerogenic diseases Medicaid and Medicare.
After two years of COVID-19 infection surged up globally (M-angle corona viruses mutations), people are observing that the dominant role of M-angle attracts the whole CPM triangle moves toward M-angle, and even aforementioned triangle is growing toward creating a rectangle and possibly pentagonal forms, unpredictably. What would be the next causes aggravating current COVID-19 variants virulence?

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