
COVID-19 War, Confusion about Cause-Effect Correlations

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

PhD Hematology, Drs. Medical Biology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands, Telefax.+31302211328, Email:

Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou, PhD Hematology, Drs. Medical Biology. BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands.

Keywords: COVID-19; Vaccines; Medicines; Human; Disasters


COVID-19 pandemic is causing more than 3 million causalities and counting; after 2 years creation/ mutations /manipulations, which still no standard cure for its existing. Different catastrophic and un- known yet (side-)effects bring One, in a confusing situation, what could be the next disaster. Therapeutic methods are desired to improve the effects of certain drugs and vaccines in patients with COVID-19, however [1-4]. There are so many not standardized approaches, which we hoped to tackle COVID-19 variants and correlated mutants, now become rather a delusion than a fact.
Currently, 2 mRNA vaccines (created by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) and 1 adenovirus-vectored vaccine (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson) have received emergency use authorization by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These vaccines have proven to be safe and highly effective in preventing severe COVID-19, likely also transmission and death [2,3].

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