
The Hidden Danger of Using Kid's Toothpaste

Karimi, M., D.M.D., B.S.

Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Sepideh Dental Clinic, Iran

Dr. Karimi, M., D.M.D., B.S., Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Sepideh Dental Clinic, Iran.

Keywords: Toothpaste; Parabens


Components of toothpaste for children are adjusted to their age. The goal is to use them in order to keep both baby teeth clean and remain healthy, and have no special side effects for the child. On the other hands, the companies try to make the packaging and flavor of children's toothpaste to be attractive for children so that parents buy them.
This may be unbelievable for many parents. Unfortunately, many manufacturers of toothpaste (including some brand names) do not take into account human health and are only considering their own interests. Regarding the materials containing these products, it is unfortunate that most of these products contain hazardous toxic substances that prolonged use may lead to serious conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and so on.

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