CPQ Neurology and Psychology (2018) 1:2
Consolidated Review

A Complete Study of the Human Brain and the Nature of Masculine and Feminine Principles of the Human Psyche Including Quantum Dynamics

Tumanako William Hongi Pugh

Department of Mental Health, Peer Support Community, Australia

*Correspondence to: Dr. Tumanako William Hongi Pugh, Department of Mental Health, Peer Support Community, Australia.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Tumanako William Hongi Pugh. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 29 October 2018
Published: 10 December 2018

Keywords: Quantum Dynamics; Human Psyche; Limbic System


‘A Complete Study of the Human Brain and the nature of Masculine and Feminine Principles of the Human Psyche including Human Dynamics’ is a complete revised and review of my work regarding the Human Psyche in its’ male and female roles regarding masculine and feminine, yin and yang principles at play in relationship with a family field of operations regarding polar charged equals and opposites in Non-dualistic states of consciousness relating to the field of Psychology and how the anthropological and historical evidence the brain portrays, exhibits and relays due to the nature of the Human Brain and that which such the Human Brain is as being an instrument of much wealth in healthiness of healthy-mindedness in all that it has to offer yet plays very important roles in the governing dynamics of quantum realities as devised by Humanoid Operational Quantum Dynamics.

In regards to the right and left longitudinal hemispherical shift related to the intuition, insight, belief, logic, rational and reasoning higher mind including the creativity of the mind and the nature of the neo-cortex or cerebrum and cerebellum including the completely entangled emotional limbic brain with respect given to the intrinsic instinctive reptilian triune brain and the nature of the human condition of relays regarding the human nervous system and physical vehicle of consciousness and its’ relationship it has upon Human Behaviour and Psychology regarding the Neurological Science of the Brain as understood by myself, Dr. Tumanako W. H. Pugh.

With respect given to Carl Jung Psychological Models regarding the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit in his previous work in conclusive studies regarding the field of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences as I have conducted in such research and reviews herein also contained yet meanwhile presenting a report regarding a complete sense of connectivity to oneself in collective consciousness of primary drop of source and the universal collective consciousness including the absolute ocean of universal collective consciousness of absolute source and mother earth, universal source in a relationship with Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Dynamics as Doctors being Service Units acting on behalf of the ill, sick, mentally ill, diseased, afflicted, grieving and impaired and yet meanwhile presenting spiritual and emotional sources in an objective argument and presentation of facts, evidence and truth in mine own further studies and review of mine own work herein contained!

The Triune mind is the oldest relative and evolutionary part of the Human Brain corresponding to the driving of the primitive instinctive, instinctual mind such as the Reptilian Brain which houses vital control centres as for breathing, swallowing and the heartbeat amongst other subconscious involuntary actions and movements of the Body and the human physical anatomy and condition thereof!

It houses the Brain Stem and the Spinal Cord which was the first to evolve in Human Evolution controlling also our spinal column alignment and the bones in conjunction with the Thalamus (part of the Limbic Brain). The Triune or Reptilian brain is responsible for prompting the appetite, hunger, sex and is also responsible for such sensations as Gut Feeling sensations, an Aching Feeling and also the sense of knowing.

The Triune mind in the Human Species evolved from our earliest ancestors such as Neanderthal Man and served to drive these particularly instinctual beings simply to survive against the elements and consume a food source such as fruit, berries, nuts and roots much like our closest Primate Relatives, Apes and monkeys, satisfying their appetites for sex and hunger meanwhile dwelling in such harsh environments whilst traversing the isolated foresting’s or wandering places where such Neanderthal Men survived.

The next evolutionary step to take place in the Human Brain Genus is the evolution of the Emotional Limbic Mind which is responsible for our emotions such as Fear and desire, the Fight or Flight Response and Memory of which evolved to serve the instinctive Reptilian Triune Mind in times of need.

The Limbic Emotional Mind within the Human Gene Pool is also responsible for the emotions such as Attachment, Emotive and Associative Feelings, Compassion, Rationality, Reasoning, Emotional Responses, Self-Persecution and the Continuation of the Species such as Self- Procreation.

The Limbic Mind evolved due to the need for small groups of Hunter-Gatherers to herd together and survive against the elements in order to sustain the group for as long as they could by acquiring a taste for meat therefore building brain tissue with a valuable source of protein, hunting for food, engaging in painting, dance and social activities such as rock painting, hand painting and finger painting, corroborees, sex and gender based activities such as child birthing, women’s business, story-telling, male rites of passage and warrior-hood initiation rites whilst gathering tools relative to hunting and furthermore the procreation of the species.

The Hunter-Gatherers bloodlines can be reflected and shown through the Indigenous Aboriginal First National Native Australians in regards to their relative tool sets such as stone artefacts, living arrangements such as gender separation and daily activities such as dance, hand, finger and rock painting, story-telling, male rites and initiation rites whilst traversing the continent in nomadic clusters of tribes before colonisation by Europeans.

The difference between the Triune Brain and the Limbic Mind is that the instinctive or Reptilian Triune Brain drives the Human condition to survive, such as eating and sex, whereas the Limbic Brain drives the Reptilian Brain due to the emotional responses prompted by the individual and correlated Human experiences of the individual as the desire for things such as sex, food and other emotional experiential responses.

On the otherhand the Higher Mind or the Neo-Cortex is the most modern portion of the evolved Human Mind which is responsible for governing the entire Brain and allows for Free-Will and the Expression of the Creativity of the Mind and also intuitive thought, regulated behaviour and social integration.

The Higher Mind or Neo-Cortex is also responsible for things such as Remembering and the overall Long-Term Memory and Mapping the spatial environment of such things as associations with colours, places of attachments and emotional responses governed by the Limbic Brain but correlated by the Parietal Lobes amongst the Frontal lobes, Temporal Lobes and Occipital Lobes of which all of these particular Lobes are housed within the Cerebrum or otherwise the totality being the Neo- Cortex. It is also responsible for Complex Reasoning and Higher Order Thinking as well as Processing, Complex Analysis, Logic, General Knowledge, Imagination, Belief and as previously stated the Creativity of the Human Mind.

The Higher mind evolved due to select Hunter and Gatherer Groups Banding together and forming a sophisticated and structured society with needs to provide a sustainable and reliable food source brought about by agriculture, farming and the herding of livestock, safe and soundly stable dwellings, brought about by the acquisition of toolsets necessary to build homes and substantiate dwellings and finally a system of governance of Law and Government such as religion with its’ governing Laws, a King or Chief and/or Tribal Council and such systems of governance.

Of which is notably significant to the ancient peoples of Samaria and brought about through agriculture as the means for such select groups to band together and form a sophisticated society thereby raising the level of available brain tissue to add to the already ever-present Limbic and Triune Brain Tissue over time in acquiring tools, skills, knowledge and understandings’ of the Heavens, Lunar Cycles, Harvesting, Seasons, Building techniques and Animal Husbandry methods therefore increasing human resilience to thereby survive in numbers.

And so by then increasing neuroplasticity by such an evolutionary step towards acquiring a neocortex and the continuation of the Human species in providing stable and safe dwellings such as mud huts, a reliable food source such as crops, a valuable and reliable meat source such as livestock and cattle, safety in numbers such as a rudimentary form of Government such as a King or a Chief (to rule, protect and govern) and finally a system of governance of Law such as religion and the structure of a religious elect to provide spiritual guidance to the King or Chief and the people as a whole.

The difference between the Higher Mind or Neo-Cortex and the Reptilian Triune Mind and also including the Limbic Emotional Mind is that the Neo-Cortex allows for Free-will which is not available to both the Limbic mind and the Triune Mind which simply provide for the survival and procreation of the species therefore being driven by the emotional responses and experiential experiences of such instinctive drives to sustain themselves without Free-Will for as long as possible in order to survive, herd together and procreate the species thereby placing their individual and collective footprints in resonance to the creation of the next evolutionary step of acquiring a neocortex.

In summary the instinctive Triune Reptilian Brain is the driving force of the Human Mind whereas the Emotional Limbic Brain serves the Reptilian Brain in satisfying the needs of the Triune brain such as sex and hunger amongst other servicing of needs such as the regulation of hormones and processes therefore the Higher Mind is the processing unit governing the Human Mind and therefore condition which gives for Free-Willed Higher Order Thinking and processing.

By correlating such individual Human experiences contained within the memory ordered by the Higher Mind and driven by the Emotional Limbic Brain and otherwise the intrinsic Triune brain thereby reasoning through Logic and Intuition, of the higher neo-cortex, to guide the Emotional Limbic and Triune Brain entirely as a sending and receiving information processor due to the experiential experiences of the Human Mind.

To bring to bear a brain that processes information based upon its’ intrinsic nature of being driven by its’ core instincts, governed by its’ experiences and emotions and how we ourselves view ourselves in society (generated by such experiences) and thereby correlating them logically, rationally and reasonably by utilising the higher intuitive mind to make appropriate or otherwise inappropriate decisions governed by one of experience and the decisions made by the modern day man and the behavioural traits thereof.

An Anatomical Study of the Human Brain and Its’ Parts
The Brain is made up of Grey Matter and White Matter where Grey Matter is involved in analysing information meanwhile White Matter conducts information between Grey Areas [1].

The Human Brain is made up of 4 parts being the Cerebrum, the Cerebellum, the Limbic System or Emotional Brain and finally the Brain Stem or Reptilian Brain [2].

Figure 1.10: Arnold-Chiari malformation. Hydrocephalus. Right parietal cortex. Edematous non-pyramidal neuron showing lysosomes (L) and a multivesicular body (MB) with disrupted limiting membranes (arrows). Note the clear edematous mitochondria (M), and the dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum) embedded in an electron lucent cytosol.

The Cerebrum (shown above) is the earliest evolutionary portion of the Human Brain, in the above diagram the nature of the right and left hemispheres of the higher mind or Neo-Cortex is responsible for controlling the left and right side of the body such as that the left hemisphere of the brain or left hemisphere of the Neo-Cortex and controls the right hand side of the body, logic, rationality and reasoning whereas the right hemisphere of the brain or right hemispheres of the Neo-Cortex controls the left hand side of the body, belief, creativity, imagination and the higher intuitive functions of the brain [3].

The 2 Hemispheres in Longitudinal Relationship are made up of bundles of nerve fibres called Corpus callosum which binds left and right Hemispheres and allows the left side of the Brain talk to the right and so forth back again therefore communicating with the left and right associated longitudinal Brain Structure of the Human Psyche.

The Neo-Cortex or Cerebrum is made up of 4 major parts such as the Frontal Lobe, the Parietal Lobe, the Temporal and Occipital Lobes [3].

The Frontal Lobe lies at the front of the cerebrum just behind the forehead and under the Frontal Skull Bones. The Frontal Lobe is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements, assessing future consequences for current actions, assessing similarities and differences for two different objects, formation and retention of long-term memories (particularly emotional memories derived from the Limbic Brain) Language, emotional expression and regulation, personality development, reward management and finally attention regulation including selective attention [4].

The Occipital Lobe on the other hand is mostly unknown in regards to its full functions though can be shown in mapping MRI Scans to be placed on a thin membrane between the Cerebrum and the Cerebellum and predominantly been discovered to be responsible for such things as visual memory, colour association such as colour determination in a visual field, assessing distance, size and depth, transmitting visual information by encoding memories, assigning meaning, craft appropriate and linguistic motor responses, continuation of responding to information from the outside world and finally receiving raw visual data from the eye’s retina [4].

Not entirely a lot is holistically known about the Occipital Lobe and it is suggested that such functions may be wider than previously inclined.

The Temporal Lobe lies at the base of the centre of the Cortex, just behind the Temples and is responsible for the formation of visual memories in relationship with the Hippocampus, Cerebellum or Thalamus, Hypothalamus and the Amygdala including long term memories, the assignment of meaning amongst other such regions such as the Ventral Lobe housed within the Temporal Lobe which allows us to read body language and recognize faces, the production of speech and speech development, recognizing languages, controlling appetite, thirst and hunger and finally controlling Homeostasis [4].

Furthermore the Parietal Lobe lies above the Occipital and Temporal Lobes and behind the Frontal Lobe of which this Lobe is separated by Parietal-Occipital Sulcus from the Frontal lobe meanwhile Lateral Sulcus separates the Parietal Lobe from the Temporal and Occipital Lobes. The Hemispheres of such a Lobe is divided by such a thin membrane in a Medial longitudinally associated manner [4].

The Parietal Lobe is responsible for spatial orientation, visual-spatial orientation and Reasoning, distinguishing between two points even without visual representation, also localizing touch, integrating sensory information from most regions of the body, visual functions in conjunction with the occipital lobe, assessing numerical relationships and number of objects viewed, assessing size, shape and orientation in space, co-ordinating hand and eye movements, processing language and coordinating attention and finally mapping the visual world [5].

These are the corresponding parts of the Cerebrum or Neo-Cortex and its’ human behavioural and functioning responsibility it serves and resulting actions and experiential learning able to resiliently resound regarding the nature of the Brain and its’ present parts.

The Limbic System

Figure 1.20: Model of the Limbic Emotional Brain and the System thereof.

The Diencephalon is made up of the Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Subthalamus and the Epithalamiums. The Thalamus is housed as a part of the Limbic Brain connecting the Cerebrum to the Mid Brain (part of the Spinal Column) and is responsible primarily for balance, orientation and the aligning of the Spinal Colum in relaying information to the Neo-Cortex or the Cerebrum for associations and memory storage, relating information as having meaning, also experience as being meaningful and determining memory allocation [6].

Within the central interior tissue of the vermis rises a white stem known as Abor Vitae [7].

The Hypothalamus is also part of the Limbic Brain, beneath the Neo-Cortex and above the Reptilian Spinal Cord and Brain Stem and beneath the Thalamus, which is also part of the Limbic Brain of which is responsible for linking the Nervous System with the Endocrine System via the Pituitary Gland (hypophysis) and is predominantly responsible for regulating the metabolic processes and other activities of the Autonomic Nervous System, it synthesizes and secretes neuro-hormones often called hypothalamic releasing hormones [8].

The Pituitary Gland
The Pituitary Gland is often called the master gland as it controls several other hormonal glands in the Human Body including the Thyroid and Adrenals as well as the Ovaries and Testicles. It secretes hormones from both the front part (anterior) and the back part (posterior) of the gland [9].

If the Pituitary Gland is not producing sufficient amounts of one or more hormones this is called hypopituitarism meanwhile on the other hand if you are over producing certain hormones, then you would have features due to the over production of the specific hormone concerned [9].

Figure 1.30: The Pituitary Gland.

The Epithalamus
The epithalamus consists primarily of the Pineal Gland and the Habenulae. The pineal gland is an endocrine gland that secretes the hormone melatonin, which is thought to play an important role in the regulation of circadian rhythms [6].

Figure 1.40: The Epithalamus.

The Pineal Gland
The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions. It is located near to the centre of the brain between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join. Unlike much of the rest of the brain, the pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system. It is reddish-grey and about the size of a pea (8mm in humans) [10].

While the physiological function of the pineal gland has been mostly unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds and is considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans.

The pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. Development of psychic talents has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision.

The third eye controls the various bio-rhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process. When it “awakens”, one feels a pressure at the base of the brain.

The pineal gland’s location deep in the brain seems to intimate hidden importance. In the days before its function as a physical eye that could see beyond space-time was discovered, it was considered a mystery linked to superstition and mysticism. Today it is associated with the sixth chakra [10].

As shown by the figure below, the placement of the Pineal Gland in the Brain is as outlined in Figure 1.50.

Figure 1.50: The Pineal Gland.

The Habenulae
The Habenulae (more often referred to with the singular: habenula) are two small areas near the pineal gland. The functions of the Habenula are poorly understood, but it is thought to potentially be involved with reward processing and has been implicated in depression. Additionally, there is evidence that the habenula also produces melatonin, and that it might be involved with sleep regulation [6].

This particular region of the brain is responsible for temperature regulation, thirst, hunger, sleep, mood, sex drive and the release of other hormones as outlined previously [6].

The Hippocampus
Whereas the Hippocampus is also housed within the Limbic Region of the Brain controlling mainly such functions as memory, emotions and motivation and is located in the Medial Temporal Lobe [11].

Figure 1.60: The Hippocampus.

The Amygdala
On the other hand the Amygdala is responsible for processing memories, decision making and emotional reactions and sends such information to the Neo-Cortex [11].

Figure 1.70: The Amygdala.

The Cingulate Gyrus
The Cingulate Gyrus on the other hand serves as a pathway that transmits messages between the inner and outer parts of the Limbic System [12]. The functions of the Cingulate Gyrus are coordinating sensory input with emotions, emotional responses to pain, the regulation of aggressive behaviour, communication, maternal bonding, language expression and decision making.

Figure 1.80: The Cingulate Gyrus.

And in total resonance depicting the Emotional Limbic Brain is the Figure 2.00 regarding parts of the Limbic Brain entirely.

Figure 1.90: Model of the Limbic Emotional Brain and the System thereof.

The Cerebellum
As a Counterweight the Cerebellum is said to be much older than the Cerebrum as reptiles on an earlier evolutionary scale have a fully developed Cerebellum meanwhile is associated and medially aligned in Hemispheres alike the Neo-Cortex and such associations [2].

The Cerebellum just like the Neo-Cortex is halved into Hemispheres in left and right associations as previously mentioned and are connected by Vermis fibre tissues, connecting the Cerebellum to the Neo- Cortex or Cerebrum and the Brain Stem, Spinal Cord and Diencephalon [13].

The Cerebellum is responsible primarily for the voluntary movements of the body relating to spatial orientation and also other things such as memory, hence the Limbic Brain, and also the release of hormones, sex drive, mood, sleep, hunger and thirst including temperature regulation [13].

The Cerebellum is closely related to the Limbic System and as such the Limbic System houses the Thalamus, the Hypothalamus, the Hippocampus, the Amygdala and other Glands responsible for sending and receiving information from the Thalamus and sending such encoded information to the Occipital Lobe and Higher Mind, Neo-Cortex and/or Cerebrum [13].

Figure 2.00: Model of the Cerebellum and its’ corresponding parts.

The Reptilian Triune System
And finally in conclusion the Brain Stem connects the Spinal Cord to the Higher Order Thinking Centres of the Brain. It consists of 3 major structures the Medulla Oblongata, the Pons and the Midbrain. The Medulla Oblongata is continuous and connects to the Pons above whereas the Medulla Oblongata and Pons are considered to be part of the Hindbrain whilst the Midbrain or Mesencephalon connects the Pons to the Diencephalon or Thalamus and the Forebrain [2].

And as previously mentioned the Brain Stem or Reptilian Brain controls involuntary movements and regulates such things as breathing and such other involuntary actions.

The Reptilian Triune Brain is the oldest relative portion of the Human Brain and drives the instinctive needs to survive, such as eating, procreate with other Humans during sexual intercourse or otherwise the continuation of its’ own self-procreation.

The Reptilian Brain not only drives the instincts but also serves the instinctual needs to survive and compete for ground by governing the mind by its’ instinctual drives and needs it services.

The Reptilian Triune Brain is important in that it controls involuntary movements such as the heart and other involuntary processes such as breathing, swallowing and the movements of the heartbeat as previously mentioned.

Figure 2.10: Model of the Brain Stem and its’ relative parts.

Figure 2.20 & 2.30: Overview Model of the Human Brain and its’ Relevant Corresponding Parts.

A Psychological Viewpoint of the Principles Regarding Masculinity, Femininity and the Unification of the Psyches and Archetypal Principalities
In regards to the Principles relating to male and female roles and principles in society arguably so, there is a great need to align these major influences of such as being masculine and feminine principles within the Psyche as societal pressures as a whole regarding the sophistication of society, the individual sophistication of gender roles regarding the mal-alignment between male and female roles and the nature of masculine and feminine brutality and fear-mindedness due to the individual individuation of society and the individualism of gender roles.

Showing that such an imbalance between these major principles in the Collective Conscioussness such as contained within the Human Psyche is responsible for such things as inadequicies, insecurities, imbalance, body image problems, impairment and the domination of societal issues being portrayed in soceity, such as, neglecting such a balancing of masculine and feminine principles within male and female roles collectively meanwhile affecting the collective consciousness of humanity regarding such an imbalance between yin and yang principles.

Of which is denying Humanity the full extent of Human Life-time experiences to be expressed as Aging Gracefully in oneness balanced in the Pysche regarding the Human Brain in a complete wholeness and oneness in the unification of Masculine and Feminine Principles outlined herein therefore as being in a complete, whole and one absoluteness of an Infinite Spark of Infinite Potential contained and expressed by the Intuitive Mind or Higher Mind entirely entwined with the emotional limbic brain and the reptilian triune brain, nervous system entangled physical, emotional and spiritual vessel.

And furthermore as being in a complete completeness of Human Resilience governed and managed from a position of Overall Well-being, Health, Mental Health andWellness therefore moving from a position of Hopelessness to one of Hope and the Commonality in Sharing our Stories of Recovery gathered around how we view ourselves individually and collectively whilst how we view the World, Society and Mother Earth Gaia in unification to remain in a complete sense of being in a Completely Balanced Archetypal Principalities State of overall well-being whilst aligning such Gender Roles and Personality Traits regarding Masculinity and Femininity appropriately to thereby view ourselves and the world at large holistically from a tao-istic viewpoint as one governed in Non-Dualism without isolating any one from another in True Neutrality.

Thereby governing the Principles, Archetypes, Associations and Assumptions of the Modern Day Man ever-evolving in a Quantum Entanglement of its’ component parts’.

Then so by such inadequicices, insecurities and imbalanced states being perpetrated by both Male and Female Principles within the Psyche resulting in a sex-war like arrangement acting out in a brutal male dominant manner or otherwise fear-minded mentality of a female dominant Psyche regarding each of our own individual gender roles dissociated in mal-alignment now primarily governing all base and gross level human inetractions of which may thereby be arighted in alignment and yet meanwhile there to be associated in a correct manner and complete wholeness of connectivity between the sexes due to such family dynamics arighted and yet whilst generational family patterns neither persisting of which such generational pattterns bring about a complete disparage, dis-connectivity and unfelt uncloseness to all others.

Yet to be arighted by such family lives of completeness, wholeness and oneness in empowerment, truth and transparency whilst governed by compassionately involved community minded sharing in arighting of family dynamics, family principles, family values and family traditions governing the better treatment and management of each of our own partnerships, children and fellow siblings governed by Family Dynamics driving primary parenting educating roles of well-being, health, mental health and wellness whilst remaining mindful of socio-economic prosperity to enact raising out of the shadows and into the light of truth, selfknowingness and self-awareness.

Yet meanwhile because humanity is in a complete dis-connectivity due to the inability for such individuals or otherwise most Human Beings to be in a state of complete harmony and balance within each unto their own selves without any feelings of inadequacy, ineptness, inability, incoherence due to each of our own selves being in division, seperation, confusion and segregation from ourselves and others portrayed by each of our own mirrored imperfections mirrored back at ourselves of which at this time and age is related to each of our own human souls being born into this life-time for each of our own individualistically tailored lifestyles to partake in such seperations due to the nature of division to bring re-unification by a solid state of selfknowingness and self-awareness in self-reflection.

Being the primary impetus governing the global consistency levels of critical mass at this crucial a time applying such contributions to be made by pioneering the complete sense of repairing communities and families brought about by such a division and seperation model seeking re-integration and collective reunification of which such may be the possible future of birthings related to the children of future times to consider contributions made holistically to the globe, society, mother earth gaia and others entirely as one.

Therefore by such a dis-connectivity impacting upon all due to such a complete dis-connect from others and towards each of own primary educators such as parenting programs, primary and secondary teachers, rolemodels and those we admire being also in a complete seperation from each of their own selves and others’ own selves that we are all in a complete dis-connected and seperated division from one another to neither connect altoghether holistically with each of our own selves in true love mechanisms balanced by the yin and yang equalification of masculine and feminine traits yet meanwhile neither being able to connect with others entirely, as being one in unification and collective unification means of a universal collectivity of the ocean of absolute source, of which is the limiting factor related to such a Conceptualised Pschological Perspective of Princples at play herein by augmented processes argued.

Of which results in being gathered around the self-eating of each of our own selves in seperation, division and dis-connectivity due to tick-like forms eating of fleshy molecules by arrangements made so by such all consuming ticks and illnesses as being all consuming inhumane behaviour and treatment of others and our Earth hereon the Planet and therein ourselves as Mother Earth Gaia as one being sick and unwell altogether as one.

Thereby as humanity at this time is truly inept in connecting with each of our own individual children, peers, students, work colleagues and friends of which would be arighted within humanity by neither arranging a tick like arrangement of self–eating of each of our own flesh and lives in death by such a dense gross need to consume all due to such all consuming tick-like illnesses and arrangements of tick-like flesh eating consumption rates of a consumer society eating of its’ own flesh.

As being the nature of Mother Earth Gaia and her need to aright Humanity appropriately of which such tick-like eating of flesh is primarily driven by a consumerist society consuming all to therefore be consumed by all consuming tick-like bug illnesses and sickness related to such impaired viewpoints regarding all consumption consuming all within such consumerists societies and such a mental capacity of contraint and control dictates gathered around social dictates and consumerism driving global economy and mass spending mechanisms driving global market sharing between the super rich global merchant bankers promoting pollution, death, terrorism, sickness, illness, disease, obesity, sexualisation, fame-seeking, idolisation, disparage, dis-connectivity, cultural division, seperation, divorce, segregation, haterd, impairment and mental illness meanwhile neither promoting truthfully mental health, health, well-being and wellness by providing real remedies and cures to aide society to recover and heal Mother Earth Gaia.

To therefore apply such teaching mechanisms towards the nature of primary child rearing programs and the nature of ill-treatment of children whilst also applying that such is related to family seperation, division, divorce and generational patterns persisting yet meanwhile is at times associated with toxic partnerships and co-dependency promtoing drug and alcohol consumption in the family household when young children are present by promoting illness and the ill use and abuse of such poly-substance abuse being maintained in the household and the abuse of each of our own individual and collective bodies, souls, spirits and minds altogether as one primarily being driven by each of our own individual and collective childhood experiences.

As such involved parenting programs are the major determing factors and factorising determinants wieghing altogether upon all outcomes for children otherwise the better outcomes and better treatment of children entirely weighing upon such factors to grow by such set standards in place at childhood as young children and young adults within each of their own individual lives by collective means of educating children governed primarily herein to therefore maintain family and households by maintaining relationship partnerships and household members.

To thereby sustain each of their own well-being in a complete sense of completeness and well-balanced state of a complete sense of wellness yet meanwhile sustaining a healthy lifestyle and living arrangements of being in a complete balanced state of Mind, Body, Soul and Sprirt entwined and entangled whilst also driving one’s individual mental health by a complete sense of overall well-roundeness, well-balanced state of completeness yet also remaining settled and calm at all times of which such models are related to the better outcomes for the young and families through out all society and the globe regardless of monies, pays and wealth of gold.

Meanwhile by only promoting imbalance between masculine and feminine principles as the primary educators of each of our own children as parents herein this generation as being in a complete state of imbalance whilst also being the relevant nature of educators, role models and parenting programs being in an inadequately equipped inability to deal with societal issues and such gender roles in disocciation and a complete imbalance towards ourselves primarily and one another in a complete sense of unfelt uncloseness for one and all throughout the family and humanity as being a family dynamic of which only creates greater disparage, greater illness, greater impairment and greater need for such to be addressed and to be therefore be in need of dire repair.

Whilst also applying such dis-connectivity to Mother Earth Gaia by remaining impaired due to such impaired polarities and dispersions throughout and therein sustained whilst maintained between polarly charged ascertations made thereof such archetypal associations, princpalities, principles and assumption of an imbalance regarding yin and yang principles of which such issues represented primarily relate to each of our own individual impaired viewpoints regarding how we all are in some way or another in a complete division and seperation.

Brought about by an incomplete viewing of ourselves and others due each our individualised partnerships and relationships thereof within society whilst being set here upon the earth as being Mother Earth Gaia as a whole yet meanwhile finally being in an incomplete displacement thereof being male and female roles driven by family patterns and the field of operations of a family dynamic as being so set, as above so below, as in heaven, here on earth, so in hell therein lay and such a complete disparage between the have do’s and have nots as all being family regardless of any seperation felt or unfelt as such archetypes, principalities, associations and assumptions so therefore declare and state to be so.

In that by such a division, seperation, confusion and segregation between God, Man, Devil, Heaven, Hell, Earth, Master, Mistress, Slave, Servant, King, Queen, Child, Parent, Prisoner, Soldier, Warrior, Dead and Living realities regarding Principalities, Archetypes, Associations, Assumptions and Principles due to such a confused nature and state of an ill and impaired state of consciousness yet meanwhile as being in an imbalanced humanity and reality of a complete seperation, division, segregation meanwhile incomplete in an imbalance relating to the yin and yang principles regarding light and dark polarities yet also incomplete realities of black and white whilst also being in a state of imbalance altogether.

Regarding such by puritist models of positive and negative forces in opposition of which should be sustained to be arighted to herein all be contained by such polar opposites containing an equally oppositely charged particles within a equalified balanced state yet always remaining in a holistic balanced state of overall wellness and well-being regarding such a tao-istic perspective of family principles and family dynamics regarding Psychology as being the core premise of this conceptualised argument.

Due to messages ever bombarding the minds of the ever-changing and ever-evolving populations of the Planet by such mediums as pornography, internet, television, music and fame seeking mechanisms yet finally our individual views of civilisation and the all admiration promoted by such a consumerist society promoting illness rather than health, well-being, mental health and wellness and yet meanwhile neither promoting gradual steady rise with gradual progress obtained whilst only promoting instant acclaim to fame and fame seeking mechanisms and roles meanwhile promoting such ill related views of the heavens, hell and earth entirely throughout the Earth.

Whilst neither promoting truth to the heavens, earth, hell and Mother Earth Gaia to therefore only promote lies prompted, contradictions associated, criticisms made, untruths applied, intransparency models remaining intransparent, non-compassionately means applying yet meanwhile at all times applying judgements made promoted by pious living only driving the sustaining of illness and tick-like related self-eating of humanity and consumerism consumerists societies.

Meanwhile due to such ineptly put and incompletely appplied male and female roles only acting out such an imbalance by portraying a predominantly Masculine role or otherwise predominant Feminine role of which is to neglect that we all, male and female have a collective conscioussness and that it is to be balanced by each of our own Human Masculine with Feminine Associations arighted or on the other hand Feminine with Massculine Associations arighted or otherwise Societal Principles of Master, Servant, Pauper, Richness, Slave, King or Queen in balance with itself King or Queen in its’ role association and harmonious traits being as one together in partnershiping roles arighted.

In that the Planet and Humanity is in a State of Emergency regarding an overall Well-being, Health, Mental Health and Wellness of the Global Environment and Colective Conscioussness of Mankind and the Planet Mother Earth Gaia.

And furthermore by balancing such Archetypes as Godman or Godwoman with follower/Devotee just as importantly as other Archetypal principles relating to such Religious Sects or Religious Institutions such as being institutions of God or the Devil being reflected upon the Psyche in a unified manner of a complete balance between light and dark principles and polarities regarding the completeness of itself as light and dark, black and white, good and evil, right and wrong.

In that furthermore by regarding such from a holistic viewpoint of the yin and yang not without each of their own inner light and inner darkness reflected upon such light and dark realities with Tao-istic truth of none being without a spot of good, evil, male, female, light, dark, right, wrong, positive, negative and finally black and white in that the one compliments the other entirely throughout the collective consciousness and sub-consciousness in a complete, one, whole and absolutely balanced state of wellness and well-being.

Meanwhile not primarily as being neither as one and the same altogether as one primarily alone but from a unified perspective always in a complete reflection thereof and yet by balancing all polarities between light and dark entities within the collective conscioussness of the collective pyche as one that such a reparation of Mother Earth Gaia and Humanity as a whole in oneness and completeness may be so more likely than not, to be it so therefore be to be it so, that it may be so, either and/or otherwise if not, so be it!

By balancing such dark and light polarities of associations of the mental reflections between the conscious and sub-conscious mind yet meanwhile living in harmony and remaining in a non-dualistic state of existence with such associations arighted yet on the other hand in a complete balance between each of our own and collective societal roles sustained that we each ‘take up’ as individual roles and pursue each in our own way, means or ability each one unto another for good or ill in society to do so accordingly.

Yet meanwhile approaching such a nature of tailoring each of our own individual lives in a more meaningful and appropriately Acedemic Manner in a unified balanced Non-Dualistic state of Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit, Socio-Economy, Balanced Masculine and Feminine Principles, Health, Mental Health, Arighted, Unified and Well-balanced Archetypal Associations and Archetypal Assumptions viewed from a complete middle path of tao-istic viewpoint in balance, harmony, peace, unison, reflection, male and female alike none isolated by furthermore contributing back to the better management of peoples, communities and Mother Earth Gaia by such Global or Localised Contributions being made so applicable across the board and across the globe.

Whilst remaining mindful in valuing each of our own individual yet overall and Collective Well-being holistically entangled in Quantum Mechanics in that we as one all Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Neuroscientists and Neurologists, Mental Health Professionals and/or Mental Health Workers are Quantum Mechanics regarding Human Recovery, Human Resilience and the Quantum Entanglement of the Human Behavioural Psyche and Collective Consiousness of the Earth.

To balance the Collective Conscioussness holistically not just primarily as being the Colective Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit of Man and Woman as one unified, but also as the roles we each individually undertake in society, to bring about a complete wholeness and oneness of Well-being to those that we treat, as Doctors of Medicine, with inclusivity regarding Psychology and Psychiatry.

Of which we may be of better use to be overall service units, we are, regarding the better servicing of humanity and yet meanwhile more than equipped and able to provide holistic services to the sick, afflicted and ill within the community or otherwise in each of our own clinical roles and specialised fields operated therein upon others’ well-being and better outcomes throughout all considerable fields and specialisations within each of our own tailored fields of operation conduct and mangement.

Whilst reamining as Masters of each of our own Wellness, Well-being, Health, Mental Health, Balanced Realities and Holistic Socio-Economic Prosperity yet building upon the Well-being of others to provide more meaningful and holistic treatments rather than just primarily medicating society nor promoting illness and ill-health from a position of revolving door-like client and patient, inpatient realities built by one of a simple band aid-like inept cure of either pain relief or otherwise a simple Doctor-Shopping Attitude of Clients availability to Doctors Surgeories and/or Clinics yet to be rather desious as being the truly valuable all well-wishers and well-springs relating glad tidings and bringing well wishes for all good times ahead.

By building and valuing more valuable remedies and cures related to such preventative measures as education, nuitrition, yoga, relaxation, accupuncture, mindfulness and physio-therapy, consultation, counselling, good advice, sound judgement and positive outcomes with hopeful futures and better consequences whilst building upon the sharing of Global Contributions made to the field relative to Medicine and Psychology as one governed by a Science of Exactness, Methodology, Process, Analysis, Application and Industrious study by meeting East with West as one unified altogether throughout Medicine.

Of which we may reflect a unified and Overall Well-being and Wellness of being and state whilst regarded as not suffering from such inadequicies as being neither individually nor collectively impacted upon by ill health and/or mental health isssues in regards to the the Mental Health Communities and such health and mental health issues prevalent through-out Mental Health and the overall people’s they are.

Towards empowering our own inpatients, clients and patients with hope to recover fully expressing unconditional love, empathy, connectivity to others, self empowerment of the arts, self-knowingness, selfawareness, self-reflection, self-validation, self-worth, self-value utilizing non-dualism, neutrality and nonjudgemental treatments of worth and value.

By providing an empathic ear to talk to due to each of their own inability to express yet feel true love and/ or compassion yet meanwhile we ourselves may also feel a complete sense of empathy and connectivity towards others and towards ourselves yet meanwhile being completely felt for Mother Earth Gaia whilst in the community ourselves or otherwise within admission each unto our own sleves as we may all fall ill at some time or another including Doctors and Specialists in Medicine and Psychology.

Yet meanwhile applying all acquired remedies obtained throughout each of our own individual and collective lives towards conclusively treating those individuals suffering from mental illness in the community due to each of their own and/or possibly our own overall collective imbalance of a non-unified collective consciousness and non-integrated universal connectivity related to such principles regarding the yin and yang principles by applying such first and foremost towards each of our own individual selves and lives and/ or collective selves and lives whilst addressing such within each of our own individual clinics and patients lives by each of our own means and mechanisms to therefore apply such towards.

Meanwhile neither ourselves as expressing all fears nor violence to be made manifest through an abuse of power by such paranoid behaviour manifesting such fears and doubts by such a sub-conscious will being made simply manifested by such a fear driven desire of the unknown unknown to then be realized due to the nature of each of our own individual innate fear driving instincts determining all outcomes being driven by fear-mindness promoting the same fear driven response governed by doubt, fear and paranoia regarding loss and acqusisitons and how power relates to such primary instincts.

Furthermore by neither operating by an expectant expactancy related to decision making processes and such desires only building ourselves up with false hope whilst to therefore remain hopeful of a better outcome by ruling out mistakes, adjusting operations, calculating all options yet remaining centred around overcoming all odds stacked up against ourselves and each of their own selves, themselves regardless of the obstacles, challenges, adversity, trials or testings stacked in opposition against them as such obstacles present themselves at times due to the ill-management of each of our own individual health and well-being.

To bring about such changes in lifestyles and such circumstances involved gathered around the presentation of such an illness therefore may limit the stress applied to such inpatient and client servicing operational management by giving no expectation without any expectations held whatsoever at all whilst giving hope to patients and family members altogether of which is more likely to build human resilience governed by strength whilst build a well-balanced and well-rounded outlook to perceive of a better life with better outcomes and a more well-settled lifestyle in future times of stress and future times of struggle to otherwise prepare the patient, families and/or client for the worst outcome yet meanwhile giving hope unto their hours of final surgeory even with the slightest glimmer and chance of recovery with hope of which is better than no hope yet also is much more positive however slim.

And furthermore neither being in any way begnin in any aspect in regards to any mal-alignment to consummate children due to Personality traits such as a personal choice in regards to partnering agreements relating to the LGBTTI partnerships due to either a personal choice or otherwise the ill-treatment of ourselves and/or themselves as children or another impairment related to gender dissociations such as a domination of gender dominating sexualisation of women and/or the inadequicie to Father, Sire or Bear Children to neither put a dampening effect upon each of their own lives and/or livelihoods altogether.

By neither whatsoever at all impacting upon such minds by such incompassionate means and sympathetic models whilst only duly applying empathy and compassion through all such lives touched by such a complete in-sensitivity put to such societal dissociation roles due to partnering chioces made and the ill treatment of adults yet meanwhile such inabilities to father or sire children to therefore apply empathy rather than just peity and/or sympathy.

Yet if unable to procreate due to Health reasons and/or health related conditions by so being said and done so forth to neither be desirous in acquiring All-Wealth, All-Power or other such All God-like attributes relative to such an imbalance between heaven and hell as here on earth alone primarily driving all-consuming power lust of which is related to a complete imbalance and irrelevant self-expression in mal-alignment between the nature of Archetypal Assumptions of Associations and such Archetypal and Religious Principles and the all consuming nature of power, lust, money, prestige, status, fame, fortune, wealth, admiration and idolisation as such as being the nature of all power being all consumed and all corruptible powerful lusting of power and money and being all consumed by corruptability incompatible operations d.o.s.

Therefore by balancing all component parts of the Collective Conscioussness to thereby encourage the overall balancing and combined unification of the masculine and feminine principes and/or the Masculine and Feminine Minds together as one by being unconditionally loving and kind, unconditionally generous and eager to ‘just laugh it off ’, ‘dust ourselves off and dust others off ’, ‘shrugging it off ’ and ‘getting over it entirely’, ‘whilst letting it go and walking away’.

Yet also meanwhile dis-engaging in any argument whilst ‘copping it sweet and holding our heads up high’, yet meanwhile, ‘not mentioning it ever again’, only ‘in joyous bouts of laughter’ in remembrance for each our own individual well-being and for others wellbeing entirely as one including the perpetrator/s to allow the healing and/or grieving process to come unabated gathered around forgiveness and ‘learning to turn the other cheek’.

Meanwhile being ‘learned in letting go of the past’ and ‘such previous incidences’ and ‘past problems in the past that are now resolved’ whilst ‘allowing for further growth’ and ‘opportunities to possibly come and possibly go’ by ‘neither holding onto any anymosity nor holding onto any grudges’ yet ‘neither blaming ourselves nor pointing the finger towards others’ to then ‘weigh upon each of our own acts and collective consciousness in collusion and weight upon weight’, each of such as is ‘it’s own weight weighing upon ourselves holistically’.

Whilst during either meditation, relaxation, self-reflection and mindfulness exercises to always bounce back whilst bring all of oneself back to centre neutral groundless of steadiness by bringing ourselves each unto our own selves back to a state of being settled within centredness of oneness and holistically whole sense of completeness and absoluteness for all and oursleves entirely throughout heaven, earth and hell yet meanwhile upon this primal creation and Universal Dimension of Relative Time, Space and Continuuim in Time Relativities of Density Levels Relative Frequencies and Wave Lengths in Time Space Relativity.

Therefore resolving issues with more ease yet remaining connected to family, treating teams, Doctors, support workers, the community engagement processes, educators, friends, colleagues and loved ones with consistency levels applied throughout otherwise when unwell checking in at all times gathered around keeping each of our own and collective well-being, wellness and health well primarily first and foremost for each of our own individual concerns in utmost highest regard for our own mental and physical health yet also collectively concerned for anothers well-being entirely by govering rule of thumb.

By driving mental health Globally by promoting better treatments, options, outcomes and resolutions to therefore possibly recover humanity from a position of health promoting mental health yet meanwhile also promoting Global Well-being by primarily first and foremost governing each of our own individual wellbeing and wellness to therefore promote such Global Contributions driving mechanism by considerations made for each of our own works in each of our own individual ways, means and meachanisms to do so whether it is within each of our own tailored clinics, specialised surgical rooms and/or otherwise in the community or Global Community applicably applied.

Furthermore utilizing Peer Support Models of recovery in each of our own lives individually and inclusively within each of our own working roles and mechanisms with inclusivity in mind through the having and holding onto Hope, the empowerment of the Arts and the value we as one put to the Creativity of the Mind, Intuition, Reasoning and Logic, Rationality and Emotinal Content in Health, Mental Health and overall Well-being and Wellness therefore increasing Human Resilience in each of our own and collective lives as quantum mechanics collectively reflecting such towards others as shining lights of Hope to heal humanity by real and valuable treatments offering real remedies rather than band aid like remedies impairing society yet providing preventative measures of real aid, relief, remedies, cures and consultations providing holistic health for all rather than being scarce in treating the ill, sick and the poor knowing the nature of poverty and it’s negative impact on mental health issues globally.

That by bringing about a total alignment of the Psyche such as from a Tao-istic viewpoint and perspective regarding the Yin and Yan principles in total alignment and harmony between light and dark, masculine and feminine principles by living in non-dualism in regards to the Collective Consciousness being in alignment and balance to bring about harmonious lifesyles and seeking at all times commonality or neutral ground from a position of the middle path or middle ground in unifying all principles of Archetypes and any imbalance to stabilize and become one of balance, wellness, completeness and oneness by a concept of neutrality.

To relate from one to another in commonality and sharing in equity rather than just ‘keeping up with the joneses’ gathered around piety or a state of have do’s and have-nots but being set as so is set and done to be so set by word that relating from a position of Non-Dualism, Neutrality, Equity and Commonality with the sharing of common experiences is more likely to be so better with those suffering from mental health issues otherwise mental illness, drug addiction and poly-substance abuse as sharing a common voice as a common part and role to play in recovery activation and/or role modelling.

To bring Psychological treatments into greater alignment with such concepts and principles of Principalities or otherwise reflections of balance collectively unifying principles and Archetypes, entirely as one, without one isolating another.

And address such societal issues regarding gender roles from a viewpoint of equity between the sexes and harmonious balance, balancing between the collective Masculine and Feminine Gender associations and principles that are at work here within the individual conscioussness and Collective Psyche of Humanity as unifying the individual consioussness and Sub-consciousness, Principles of Masculinity and Femininity, Archetypes and Associations of Man and Woman first and foremost.

Giving value and meaning to such individual lives with Hope to continue in each of our own lives unabated in acquiring such skills to better manage our lives and further our understanding in regards to unifying the Psyche and The Principles relating to Masculine and Feminine roles and Archetypes of religion or on the other hand Pauper or Richness none isolated.

Meanwhile neither providing treatments in Psychology or Psychiatry relative to the need to primarily medicate society nor to do so as such being neither set yet meanwhile neither being desirous to engage in isolating one from another in a complete war of words and/or a sex-war arrangement gathered around the around the availability of man and womans perogative due to what is not on the market nor may ever be whilst possibly more than likely not ever be yet otherwise displaced by what is on the market simply due to the nature of women’s perogative and the bedding availability of simple bedding rights and pleasure sports governing a womans sexuality being made available and the typical man just giving up the sexual intercourse due to the nature of what is now the disocciation of gender roles due to the disparage felt between males and females due to gender roles in ever-wideningly ever-increasingly increasing disparage, disocciation and the promotion of a woman’s sexuality regarding availability and womens perogative to choose so.

Of which is a contradiction of what Psychology represents as being a total unification of Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit and the overall well-being of each our own Individual Health and Mental Health needs and requirements including the unified Health, Mental Health and Overall Well-being of other Individuals Globally as paramount within society today as a whole without feelings of being more than just primarily sexualized souls, harassed individuals, sought after sexualised men and women as objects of desire with money, house or otherwise land whilst having a complete livelihood of tools as tool-sets and toolkits of job availability yet neither being governed by the ego and such phelic symbolism of complete fallacy to persist no more herein stated.

Of which such better an availability of male and female rights in equitable partnership is of more value than just a sex object of a trophy-like prize of desire of which such men and women of true beauty regard such individuals with trophy images of low esteem placed upon themselves as having such low esteem by self -projecting all beauty with all powerful wealth yet only attainable to the very wealthy as such trophy wives do have themselves very little self-esteem due to being in comparison at all times between herself and other women of prestige, power, money and wealth as then only applying an all giving, all kind, all generous and all beautiful trophy-like prize of attainment for a price.

Yet meanwhile in regards to such balanced men and women highly regard true beauty with highest esteem inner and outer beauty by such as being initiated by a process of constructive and objective discussions gathered around spiritual and emotional experiences expressed through common shared experiences relaying hope with pitfalls, joys, highs and lows as like a true best friend rather than just someone who will abandon you in the end when times get tough of which a true and valuable partnership is a life-time partnership for life, with given highs and lows expressed and experienced throughout all life being given.

This is the major argument being concieved through this work and arguably so bearing individual lives the total collective unification of connectivity in regards to Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit, Socio-Economy, Masculine and Feminine Principles including a Well-Balanced and Harmonious Archetypal Association and Pricipalities whilst furthermore expressing holistically our views of ourselves and others, towards treating the patient or client holistically from a positon of Non-Judgement, Neutrality, Equity, Gentle Guidance, Empathy, Compassion and Commonality whilst also sharing by contributing back to society in each of our own way individually as we can.

And no longer regarding piety as a means to align humanity nor otherwise simply enacting a holistically exclusive A-gender role partnership as primarily being one of Male and/or Female dominance by a Masculine mindedness role exacting a means and method of being a sex-war like arrangement of acquiring ones’ all unconditional respect without mutual respect being given yet applied yet on the other hand being desirous of an unconditionally loving relationship whilst neither being in any way considerate of fidelity and such faithfulness applying throughout a loving relationship whilst at other times otherwise denying even their partners civil liberties for such liberties to then be taken for granted yet meanwhile to only entertain lovers,wives, husbands as personal property, personal ownership and personal possessions yet always arguing for equality in remaining desirous in obtaining at all times in an ‘unconditionally respectfully lovingly loving service and duty to service such as each our own properties to be serviced’ of which is simply put immaturity of being only desirous in having a ‘me attitude’ of a woman’s prerogative to choose yet also being a man’s right to choose a relationship given the personal empowerment for each of our own selves otherwise collective selves completely saying “no”.

Regardless of whether we are male or female in that ‘no means no’, no matter whom is on the the receiving end of which if in a completely fulfilling relationship and partnership such roles are in a complete balance of which is to give and take with openness whilst remaining mutually equitable and respectful yet meanwhile also as being mutually faithful as being of fedilious and/or above reproach behaviour made commmendable otherwise as being ‘not’ without miss stating words to be ever withdrawn.

Yet meanwhile in opposition by reflection an imbalance between Female versus Male in a predominantly Feminine Fear-Minded Mentality of female mind sets and the male mind set of Domination of Violence and Brutal acts in Ascertion of Male roles need to address such inadequicies regarding Male and Female sexuality and inadacquicies due to the role such as we all play a part in the combat of sex-war arrangements gathered around male and female imbalance within the self as primarily driving such inadecquisies governed around promoting a disparage between male and female roles yet also promoting a predominately driving masculinity in females or otherwise a complete imbalance of fear-mindedness in men or a dominating male dominant role in males without a sense of a complete connectivity to each male and his own connection with his feminine nurturing side of his nature in being in a complete connection with Mother Earth Gaia.

Including the need for human behaviour to balance of each our own child-like nature’s of it’s initial primal purpose to but only share without want yet meanwhile lovingly love selflessly with grace, virtue, harmony and peaceful means to therefore do so by becoming filled with love for all without judgement, piety nor any need to preach, tell, demand or seemingly lecture by only setting an example for others to follow by being unconditionally loving by giving and receiving in reciprocation for others without denying each of our own selves any need for self-care, self-awareness, self-love, self-validation and self-reflection.

Of which are important altogether and the needs to recognize that neither male or female roles are absent of such a principle of inner and outer balance and a 6 Dimensional Shift in π degrees of connectivity, harmony and oneness of which is the only means to effectuating such an overall Wellness, Well-being of Mental Health being driven by Health Holistically.

For such a paradigm shift to also reflect the need for the overall unification, connectivity and balancing of the entire Human Brain, as we now have it to thereby unify the Reptilian Brain with the Limbic Mind and the Higher Mind or Neo-Cortex, none isolating another.

To argue in the affirmative in regards to the normalizing of sharing individual Human experiences of a lived kind with mental illness rather than the normalizing of Human experiences as being common of which disregards the dynamic Human Spirit yet meanwhile denies the ever-encompassing validity of the dynamic Human Psyche meanwhile only rules out such uniqueness and places all things as being common place and normal of which of course is an untruth entirely all throughout.

In that each our own individual Human Footprint and Gene Pool reflects our dynamic nature and to normalize what is dynamic is to disregard the Human Spirit to overcome obstacles, rise above any challenges and meet problems head on of which is the nature of the dynamic Human Spirit to but perservere and overcome through persistence and perserverance to then become the best one can be and not let go of Hope.

To encourage overall Well-being and Wellness with Health as Being Paramount in aligning such Brain Structures as one, whole, complete and absolute, neither one more important than the other nor isolating one from another.

To bring to bear the connectivity of the entire functioning of the Nervous System and Physical Function of the Human Body entirely unified under the Principles of Overall, Wellbeing, Health, Wellness and Mental Health as one, whole, complete and absolute.

In that the Human Anatomy is one to be regarded as an overall sense of oneness and interconnectedness of unification for all and between all corresponding parts regardless of what particular role each part Anatomically plays in the Human Body or Human Psyche.

To encourage further research into the nature of the Brain and such Masculine and Feminine Principles at work herein outlined to advance understandings in the field of Psychology and Psychiatry thereby advancing Science and Medicine as one partnering together in primary care and recovery options available

Therefore in conclusion this piece is an outline of the Human Homo-sapiens Thinker-Thinker Brain Anatomy and how we view ourselves and our perceived yet also conceived realities and finally our views of the Human Brain and the study of its’ corresponding parts relative to Neuroscience, Neurology, Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology and Human Behaviour regarding human experience.

Governed by a quantum computational and biological sending and receiving instrument and/or physical vessel detailing through memory and spatial orientation associations, experiential emotional brain experiences relayed via the senses and also by memory allotment and retrieval systems yet access driven by the intrinsic nature of the reptilian Triune mind and other Human experiences such as the entanglement with the body, soul and spirit therefore guiding, interpreting and calculating data and information stored and retrieved through the emotional mind based upon the logical, rational and reasoning neo-cortex giving means and mechanisms of a capacity to interpret data given and received through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, skin, muscles and those involuntary movements thereby relaying also information from such sensual senses yet meanwhile being able to access the higher mind and higher conscious thought such as the quantum highway due to the left and right longitudinal and hemispherical nature of the higher neo-cortex mind operating in quantum dynamics.

Through the intuition whilst obtaining insights through the creativity of the mind yet also completely operating upon the belief system and such things as right or wrong, limitations and also each of our own constraints yet meanwhile each of our own limiting belief system entirely simply being driven possibly by doubt, fear and restraint controls governing logic rather than limitless possibilities giving unlimited probabilities and abundance rather than giving limited experiences of which most of the Human populations predominantly operate upon such limited functioning variables and calculations therefore making limited judgment calls.

Therein stored and retrieved through our emotional limbic brain governed by one of experience yet charged through thought quantum realities by thought promoting all actions and the availability of experientially charged special rites of passage including rites of belief, imagination and the creativity of the mind such as the neo-Cortex world regarding social integration, the emotions and conformity.

By a governing principle that the Human Brain is a Tool of great wealth to the Human Genus and physical condition as the Psyche is all it art be yet meanwhile entangled with all its’ parts including the nature of Well-being, Wellness, Health and Mental Health in correlating information as thought consciousness and such primary driving thoughts being the initial impetus of all action enacted within all consciousness and conscious action by being the controlling and driving mechanism of the Human Consciousness and Human Modern Day Thinker-Thinker Driving Impetus due to the sub-conscious mind and conscious mind interacting with one another through action, intention and initiated thought processing promoting all action.

Whilst being mindful that the individual personality is in the passenger seat and the major driving determinant is the reptilian triune mind entangled with all thought quanta and neurons such as the complete model of the human brain controlling the determination of our perceived realities, outcomes and/or otherwise resulting realities through our Reptilian Driving Instinct to Drive our Minds by enacting action to one’s destination by unset programming that can be re-wired and are not hard-wired by an opt-out option of unlearning to relearn therefore re-programming the mind based upon our programming objective yet with the intent well placed and the capacity to engage, dis-engage and re-engage with the mental faculty to holistically achieve such aims.

To furthermore build upon such further human resilience entangled with the emotional Brain, Higher Order Thinking Processing and Reasoning Mind, Logical Mind, Beliefs system including Imagination, Creativity and Intuition.

So therefore in conclusion Human Resilience in regards to the already capable and functioning Modern Day Homo-sapiens Thinker-Thinker Man or Woman is to value the full nature of the Brain whilst bringing the brain to its full self-awareness of itself with the capacity to engage fully in self-knowingness, self-awareness of self-understanding and finally build on an already valuable Neural-body Nervous System whilst build upon Neural-cellar tissue advancements in human evolutionary states, densities and levels of consciousness in acquisition of further neural tissue yet meanwhile further in our advancements made in the understandings of each of our own individual selves and the collective Human Psyche as a Human Population, Species and Genus entirely together as one, including our understanding of Mother Earth Gaia, Her Nature and her better Well-being for future generations to come.

Yet inclusively bringing all Human experiences to value therefore valuating such individual human experiences as valuable yet meanwhile as a spatial orientation and connectivity between individual Humans and entangled 8 dimensionally up, down, left and right, front and back, in and out of π degrees’ placed yet tailored individually due to how we as a Species view ourselves in society yet meanwhile how society views ourselves to either empower ourselves and/or empower others through each of our own individual lives in regards to each of their own collective lives of well-being therefore breaking down barriers in each of our own lives and being of exemplary behaviour to break down obstacles presenting themselves to other’s and ourselves daily by resolving such issues with more and more ease including each of our own and collective connectivity to Mother Earth Gaia.

By building upon a valuable tissue of Creativity, Imagination, Belief in the Self or I am thus theology and finally the dedication to advance our understandings of Human Behaviour and Human Resilience by the study of Medicine and Science, hence also being the study of Neurology or otherwise Neuroscience, Psychology, Psychiatry and the Sciences alike including the Arts, Philosophy and Theology in knowing the full value of the Creativity of the Mind and the Higher Intuitive Mind to be as a Service Unit and Faculty gathered under Servicing the needs of others’.

To overcome obstacles each unto our own in due time when they present themselves one by one by bettering ourselves in time gaining resilience and continuing to grow from adversity whilst learning from challenges presenting themselves in our lives, time after time, to learn through sharing, application, studious approach and discernment meanwhile industriously applying what we have learned in each of our own circumstances and surroundings, familiar yet also unfamiliar to then apply such understandings across the broader spectrum of each of our own individually tailored lives whilst at the same time utilising creativity, imagination and belief in ourselves and our lives contained within the collective consciousness and sub-conscious perceptions of the inner and outer schools of thought.

Whilst also having Hope, Faith and Love for our fellow man or woman including ourselves to better ourselves and one another throughout Humanity one by one and growing unitedly therefore evolving to a higher state of global consciousness unheard of before.

In conceptualizing that the limitations placed upon each of our own individual minds by such constraints in our lives are but boundaries of limiting factors regarding safety, fear-mindedness and doubtful engagements gathered around loss and a desire to acquire therefore by moving from a position of a Central Location of commonality and common grounded-ness towards the outer spheres of consciousness through continually furthering our aims by moving from such a position of central location, outwards, towards further steps towards higher spheres in each of our own individual lives being achieved one at a time from such boundaries placed, but not set in stone, in therefore acquiring further learnings, experiences and a continual yet gradual upward spiral of growth by continually testing such limitations placed and moving outwards ever outwards one step at a time, no matter how slowly, whilst continually moving inwards towards the central location in a state of continual flux as if like a tidal force by rising to high and king tides to then subside back out to the ocean at low tide in a continual flux, change and constant motion set by universal law.

Meanwhile experimenting upon Human Nature in each of our own Quantum Servicing and Quantum Machinery to then achieve Human Resilience and overcome any obstacle by continually altering parts and components of experimental methodology and processes, one faucet at a time, therefore obtaining purification of the self-experimentation processes, methodology, variables, controls, environments and calculable adjustments weighing upon our ever-raising densities and vibrational frequencies weighing furthermore upon ourselves to overcome obstacles that present themselves one at a time increasing neural tissue and Brain Density and the potential potentiality of the ever-evolving human nature and dynamic Human Spirit.

In knowing the process of delineation of component parts and processes regarding the nature of a selfexperimentation of methodology can bring the self-experimentation to a purified state of self-awareness in self-knowingness therefore each unto our own selves documenting such by showing not telling meanwhile resolving such issues daily to a level of conscious perception unknown before, in knowing that limitations are only simply put limiting factors placed upon each of our own individual minds yet even so by placing a quanta of negativity and/or limiting factors may move the entire spectrum of conscious thought towards the worst whilst placing quanta in the most positive, powerful, initiated, intentional and crystallised clear thought of thought quanta may change one’s own life for the best altogether.

In that one Quanta or Singular Drop of Consciousness contains the Whole Universal Collective Consciousness or Ocean of Collective Consciousness and the Ocean of Collective Consciousness or Universal Collective Consciousness is contained within the individual singular Drop or Quanta and so forth one singular Drop or Quanta can move the entire Universe or Ocean whether it is the Universal Collective Consciousness of Living Universal Beings and/or Entities or otherwise the Entire Ocean of Source of Collective Consciousness of the Source of all things, throughout the Universe, Dimensions, Time, Space and Relative Dimension in Time, Space and Continuum.

In knowing that one individual Quanta of Consciousness or Drop of Source is an Infinite Spark of Infinite Potential within the Infinite Ocean of Universal and Collective Consciousness containing the entire Memory of the Universal Collective Source from beginning to end as one yet as being only one singular drop of Source or Consciousness is able to tap into this Universal knowledge, power, Greater Source and Infinite Potential at will by simply moving one individual singular Quanta or Drop of Universal Source or Quanta of Thought Consciousness entirely upon its’ own weight of crystalline will and cognitive volition by initiation instated with intent towards its’ destination to thereby manifest one’s needs at conscious will.

In that Proof can be viewed literally by the acts of such Greats such as the Buddha, the Ghrist, Mohammed, Krishna and many more whom obtained Greatness by being ‘that’ singularity that became a Global Phenomenon encompassing the Earth and changing how we ourselves govern each of our own individual and collective lives yet how we view other’s and easing the plight of the suffering of those around us meanwhile raising our own elevation into the heavens or otherwise into Greatness and into the Light.

To view the Collective as being all that which is contained within the individual and the individual as being all that there is contained within the collective universal consciousness and Ocean of Source without isolating another drop of source in total unification, peace, harmony, wellness, well-being, health, mental health and abundantly provided for by manifesting dreams coming through the spectrum of dreamscape of potential realities by overcoming and perseverance with hope, faith, love and a connection to the All God Creators, the Mother and Father Parenting Programs of all creation, as above in heaven, so below on earth and in hell or death.

To value the collective consciousness and sub-conscious thoughts of a collective environment to then view the world with Hope that regardless of whatever circumstances are in our lives individually and/or collectively that we are all supported through an elemental desire of Hope and the collective principles placed upon Male and Female roles, Religious Archetypes or otherwise Socio-Economic Well-being as most of the Global populations are being driven by our innermost primal urge in regards to a total, complete and utmost deep seeded connection to each of our own individual sub-conscious, conscious and collective consciousness and willpower yet being absolutely connected by one of an ever-growing population on earth empowering one another towards Global Unification to Mother Earth Gaia whilst first primarily healing the children of Terra Firma or Mother Earth Gaia.

And in regards to those issues that may arise yet meanwhile to subside as such issues may arise from the deepest core of each of our own sub-conscious realms to only manifest that it may be so that by hopefulness and perseverance we may but only deal with these issues that rise to the surface of each of our own individual psyche due to those issues being previously unresolved to then be resolved yet meanwhile the collective consciousness desires for each of our own inner selves with inner-most understandings too deal with such issues therefore resolving such issues too thereby move on and empower ourselves yet meanwhile impart kernels of knowledge and/or spiritual wisdom for others to learn from or become inspired by and too give ourselves rewards and abundance in Wisdom, Knowledge and Wealth to then receive abundantly yet give abundantly from an abundant well-spring of force due to the nature of the abundant universe.

To then give back abundantly yet meanwhile continually overcome any obstacle or adversity by gathering under the value of having and holding onto Hope in order to persevere whilst being more able to give and receive freely without desire for need nor want, due to each of our own steady, gradual, solid and soundly stable rise out of the darkness into the light to therefore continue to rise from obscurity into fame otherwise infamy and/or from the most unknown common-place towards obtaining accolades and yet thereby not wanting for anything in return in that it is shown that water freezes at different Rates, Densities and Vibrational Frequencies through the empowerment of Hope and so as such when hope is present during the freezing process that water acts very differently than with any other intent placed upon the freezing density of water and may provide a dynamic viewpoint of hope and each of our own individual viewpoints of our water relationships of which this is not to be disregarded nor discounted.

That Hope is of much concern to the Peer Support Communities and therefore we regard Hope as Highly valued and prized above all things as being an endearing desire to obtain a gift, prize, objective, attainment of goal, achievement of aims or otherwise Hope for a brighter tomorrow and brighter future

In that we may become Beacons and lights of hope whilst viewing the World as differentiating between diverse Human Behavioural Traits rather than Human addictions, Fantastic viewpoints of the Universe and the Nature of the Universal Laws at play, thereof, contained within the Collective Psyches and how we individually view ourselves in society whilst bringing all conceived principles into harmony and unison, unified under the banner of Health as paramount, Mental Health, Wellness and overall Well-being as crucial, necessary and essential in this day and age in Humanities existence whilst also unified under the masculine and feminine principles present in the tao-istic viewpoint of the yin and yang.

And finally it is of much concern to the Philosophical and Theosophical Societies in regards to the nature of the Human Psyche regarding Free-will or cognitive volition in that such an order of conscious realities are the resulting efforts of the undermining of the Human Species relating to the Free-Will of all conscious Human Collective Psyche to undo an already emotionally programmed hunter and gatherer, emotional limbic brain yet also hijacked Neanderthal man and woman by a hunter and gatherers pre-state as an upright upstanding primate following the Neanderthal man and woman to therefore hijack further the hunter and gather man and woman implement by a neo-cortex tinker mind control gathered around logic, rational reasoning.

Yet possibly by such an elevated consciousness of density vibrational raising to raise each of our own individual modern day thinker-thinker man and woman vibrational relationships into completeness, oneness, wholeness and absoluteness to learn to acquire further neural networks and brain neural tissue ever-raising, ever-changing and ever-evolving into higher sets and density vibrational frequencies from primary to AD INFINITUM by dropping into primary each level raising as a relationship by universal law as the constant motion and continual change of states in human consciousness matching universal law in that ‘all matter in the universe is moving at a constant rate of constant motion of continual flux and continual change from solid to liquid to gaseous forms at all times with potential potentiality rates of energy potentiality spikes governing energy distribution across atomic and relative molecular fields of operation’ and ‘the nature of the energy vibrational frequency and density raising of mind, matter, space, time and energy in relationship with the holographic universe in that all matter and memory in the universe is neither lost nor destroyed’.

To regard each of our own Free-Will as a means to do as we like yet controlled by such mental control constraints such as the logical, rational and reasoning constraints placed upon the psyche yet meanwhile also controlled by such learned patterns of learned behavioural types of learned and acquired knowledge such as the difference between good and evil, right and wrong and the governing human nature of a such collective consciousness related to such principles and principalities of assumptions and associations regarding the collective consciousness of the governing human psyche and as to whether through a means of collective consciousness or otherwise individuation we can Humanity as a whole may sustain global peace or otherwise a global state of collective consciousness and collective Psyche regarding a complete connectivity relationship with one another yet meanwhile in a complete and holistic relationship also with Mother Earth Gaia resulting in a unified global collective consciousness.

Not simply primarily driving an individual individuation and evolution of the Human species individually alone in complete isolation yet dis-connectivity and arguably so that the Human brain and the acquisition of a Neo-Cortex otherwise known as the Cerebrum is the governing factor related to the Free-Willed Higher Order Thinking and Processing Mind and/or Mental Capacity of the Human Species and therefore possibly may be a dilemma concerning such Higher Order Thinking Poets, Meta-physicists, Philosophers, Neuroscientists and Neurologists.

Yet meanwhile may possibly be the key to each of our own individual co-creative manifestations and creations of each of our own individual dreams, realities and quantum entanglements of quantum realities including the nature of time relativity and dimensional quantum realities through the use of the everevolving nature of the human brain and the quantum dynamics of the longitudinal hemispherical operation of the human brain governing quantum mechanics and the operation of the right and left, forwards and backwards operations of time space and continuum yet otherwise in a super-position prime position of up and down whilst also operating in inner and outer spheres of dimensional relationships.

By knowing the value of Free-Will meanwhile building valuable brain tissue in further evolutionary states of consciousness will bring to bear an overall unification of the collective psyche, the self and the Ego as being brought together in binding of the school of the thought of Psychology, Human Behaviour and Brain Development by equating the ego as being always in contention with each other to therefore resolve such issues by looking into the self and viewing the Ego holistically for what it is as the resolution of a field of operations relative to the family relationship of the Collective Consciousness of the Psyche of which is not just primarily related to the human condition but also relates to the mammalian, reptiles, fish, insects and arachnoid populations in density vibrational fields of operation strengths of differing fields and vibrational frequency relationships governing the dynamic nature of the Planet and the living entities there upon, throughout and between Mother Earth Gaia and all living entities.

Of which reflects the dynamic nature brought about by an imbalance seeking a balance from the nature of population density controls intrinsically embedded into Mother Nature as a defence mechanism to ‘ever seek a balance from imbalance therefore ever-evolving populations into higher densities frequencies and field operations to bring populations into the greater unison and harmony of the evolutionary states of humanity and/or higher evolved beings by a governing rule of global phenomena driving phenomenal phenomenon into higher states of conscious evolution by one of purging, re-calibration and higher evolutionary states of consciousness ever-evolving’.

And so in this current evolutionary degree by continuing in our healthy pursuits and aiming towards total well-being and wellness will improve our lives exponentially whilst remaining as a Light of Hope yet meanwhile by guiding others to wellness and well-being in unification of Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit, Unified Collective Principles and increasing Unified Collective Consciousness regarding balanced Archetypes in Non-Duality gathered as one around an ever-increasing neural-tissue acquisition by gaining neuralresilience and neuroplasticity in acquisition of further establishments of brain development yet furthermore being desirous to correct history by ruling out mistakes from the Global environment such as pollution will aim towards a greater emphasis on holistic unification as a human race and planet earth as one.

By furthering in our own understandings of the nature regarding the Human Brain and Brain Chemistry by Assisted Human Advances and Studies invested into Medicine, Studies invested into the Collective Psyche and Collective Consciousness due to such Advances in Psychology and the study of the nature of the Universal Laws and principles abounding in Science.

Meanwhile in Co-creation and Creation of the Arts via the Creativity of the Mind being in quantum entanglement by quantum mechanics utilising quantum entanglement throughout quantum dimensions, quantum realities and quantum universes and coupling a mindful and loving heart, a well, unified and healthy brain or mind, a unified soul and collective sub-consciousness, a collective spirit and infinite spark of infinite potential to bring to bear a higher order operating quantum entangled quantum machinery of human collective consciousness being in a Global state of unification, connectivity, compassion for one another, unconditional love felt for all other’s and oneness with Mother Earth Gaia.

Guided by the creativity of the mind to obtain insights into each of our own and collective consciousness whilst in a clarity of crystalline thought initiated, instated and thought intensified promoted action driving each of our own individual and collective unified co-creations and contributions made to society holistically in this modern day age and the realities created by the individual individuation of society of which can be avoided through servicing all individuals through such quantum machinery collectively meanwhile affecting the human condition entirely throughout the Globe.

To combat the everlasting appeal for humanity to degrade itself to then eating of its’ own self and flesh to survive as an entity governed around illness, ill-health, mental instability and mental disorder, unrest, war, quarrels, contentions, qualms, squabbling’s and the governing principles of brutality and violent behaviour prevalent throughout the earth.

And furthermore opposing a fear minded society that sophisticates itself around the complexities of poorly acting unregulated, imbalanced and unfounded immature adults acting as poorly as possibly behind closed doors, in the shadows, on internet mediums, in schools, at work-places without any real accountability yet by initiating solid and cemented rules of engagement governed by Laws related to such Laws as Neutral action without wavering terms set in stone yet meanwhile founded upon ethical and moralistic compasses and needles by neither being in any way unethical nor in any disjointed ill-use of integrity without transparency whatsoever at all.

Due to such individuals being in an individual individuation within society and the promotion of a sex-war like arrangement gathered around women’s prerogative and the available availability of a man and women’s desire to choose gathered around availability and an option to choose appropriately yet accordingly having only a neediness to obtain love without having to feel responsible for such an inadequate feeling of rejection or denial of a women’s and/or man’s prerogative and bedding availability to choose of which causes disparage between the sexes therefore to obtain love without neediness nor causing brutal acts of immorality, violence and/or abuse by male dominating roles meanwhile neither promoting feminine feelings of fear resulting in fear-mindedness and/or otherwise gender role changes due to such a sex-war and the ever brutalizing of partnerships in co-dependency, toxic relationships and a culture of addiction.

In that by promoting only illness and such band aid-like remedies regarding such ill impaired individuals and each individual reflecting each their own shadow selves towards one another of which reflects the nature of war and contention amongst peoples bringing people into opposition, friction, tension, frustration, contention and at odds with each other due to hatred, separation, division and confusion being the primary tools of war parties breeding senseless acts of violence whilst promoting Global Terrorism in the media, on television yet upon internet platforms governed by war-like contentions promoting fear driving antiinclusivity and anti-community mindedness by driving a wedge between peoples and communities altogether as one.

And as long as this is so, the Global Environment is sick and unwell and needs to be serviced from a position of Health, Neutrality, Non-Judgement, Compassion, Empathy, Commonality in sharing of our lives and eyes of recovery, story-telling whilst being engaged and /or in a Collective Connectivity of Global Unification and the Contributions made to all such educational institutions such as Medicine, Mental Health, Institutions of Well-being, Institutions of Wellness, Institutions of the Sciences and the Arts whilst promoting Non-Dualism, Resourcefulness, Abundance without neediness, Unconditional Love without Co-dependency, Faithfulness without Force of imbalance and Inclusion without Division between peoples yet meanwhile supporting others holistically with empathy, empowerment, non-judgment, compassion, heart and wholesomeness.

Meanwhile moving towards a position of a New Earth Gaia and a dawn of a New Hope in having and holding onto Hope at all times to see our lives and our patients lives improve regardless of each of our own individual trials, travesties, adversities or obstacles in opposition or otherwise each of their own individual circumstances and/or each of their own individual health and environmental changes or shifts by promoting Hope and a brighter future for all regardless.

Thereby, ‘Seeking to always Better Ourselves’ and reflecting such upon our clients altogether by improving in each of our own understandings of ‘only truth’ guiding the way whilst encouraging other’s to improve in each of their own understandings of such ‘truths’ regardless of whether such individuals find the Absolute truth or just a Kernel of truth of which is gathered around seeking with diligence, vigilance, perseverance, application to familiar and unfamiliar situations with industrious study of an educated model intended.

Therefore learning entirely from each of our own and collective failures, shortcomings, pitfalls, past tragedies or short sightedness at all times through hindsight therefore by neither repeating history nor making the same mistake over and over again, time after time and yet also by balancing polarities, meanwhile gently guiding others to view the Light and Dark in all circumstances from a tao-istic viewpoint and furthermore ruling out narrow-mindedness in each of our own and collective minds, views, behaviours and realities meanwhile always seeking the Truth in all things.

But also giving room for an individual to grow whilst sharing and expressing each of our own individual needs and allowing each of their own individual needs to be expressed such as our own and client/patients own individual views and/or desires as such individuals have much to give by each of their own stories of impact with a desire to do so and yet simply by just lending an ear without any judgement whatsoever at all only in the most extremist acts of violence, genocide, brutality or extreme immorality rather than simply just passed due to being simply said poorly behaving adults or children of possible unlawfulness to neither infringe upon reasonable boundaries that such individuals set.

Whilst we ourselves the Peer Support Community set our own boundaries as set and they will not be crossed only in retaliation by an enactment of a ‘War Party Arrangement’ rather than outright war whether of words or otherwise a ‘Sex-war Arrangement’ based around slander yet will not ever engage with such slander of which is also gathered around the nature of Patriarchal and Matriarch Societies as always opposing one another due to such an imbalance between yin and yang and yet meanwhile regard ‘Round Party Arrangements of breaking the War Cycle and the Battle of the Sexes’ by objectively engaging in democratic dialogue mechanisms rather than subjective criticism related to ‘War Party Arrangements’ governed by constructive dialogue means and mechanisms whilst being mindful in mediation by Neutral Parties such as Neutral Minded Peer Relative Nations, Neutral Media Coverage and/or otherwise Neutral People’s, Neutral Communities and Neutral individuals as having a complete stakeholder share in Mother Earth Gaia’s collective and complete well-being including humanity and our global well-being by democratic rule governed by objective democratic dialogue and education.

Acting as mediators between a possible act of war or violence by possible strikes upon governing bodies as a disclaimer of former a publication of my means to arrange a more productive yet meanwhile a more peaceful enactment(by such a disclaimer) by means of constructive democratic dialogues of political aims suitable to maintaining peace and the sustainability of Mother Earth Gaia of which equates to a possible strike upon the Heads of State as being the Ambassadors, Representatives, Leaders, Role-Models, Mental Health Community Leaders and resounding Mental Health Leaders and Pioneers or waged acquisition of resources upon our lands and other land’s entirely altogether.

By the sealing of each of our own Governing Bodies and lands regarding peoples and citizenry yet meanwhile all governing bodies in each of their own land’s thereby the peer support community and collective communities and nations there art to ‘re-enact the league of nations and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, non-proliferation of nuclear technologies and weapons and finally the non-proliferation of germ biological weapons meanwhile seek to recover humanity by each and all such Peer Support Members individually governing each of their own entire individually tailored bodily nervous systems as one Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit primarily first and foremost leading a phenomena going global and becoming a global phenomenon with phenomenal proportions seeking to secondarily heal Mother Earth Gaia and collectively enter the Universal Interstellar space race’.

And so will regard all boundaries set by each of our own individual servicing of Patient, Client, Victim and/or Individual as being a whole, complete and one person of which is Human, and our own individual boundaries as being set also as none isolated from another in that we present from a position of commonality and all previously so forth stated as such all combined herein this research article and moving towards a position of Hope in that, the Peer Support Community may bring about the unification of a Universal Collective Consciousness of the Human Population by the End of the 21st Century and enter into a New Age of Hope and the Everlasting Well-being of the Planet as being our Future Humanities highest concern and utmost regard, regarding the Collective Society of the 22nd Century and United Futures of Well-being of Mother Earth Gaia as one in all and all in one none isolated.


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