CPQ Medicine (2022) 13:5

Post COVID-19 War, Abuse of Medical and Social Positions Are Affecting Health and Disease Progression

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

PhD Hematology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development, Zeist, The Netherland

*Correspondence to: Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou, PhD Hematology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development, Zeist, The Netherland.

Copyright © 2021 Dr. Bahram Alamdary Badlou. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 10 November 2022
Published: 15 November 2022

Keywords: COVID-19; Semi Cranial Open Decompression (SCOD); Human; Quality Management System; Quality Control

The COVID-19 era might is passed, with more than 630 million contaminated and 6.6 million subjects already died; because of successful mutation and manipulations of the Coronaviruses’ sins 2019, and counting. However, there are (un-)known causes, which resulted in a significant decrease in deaths, with no known main cause being described yet. Moreover, how Coronavirus mutated into COVID-19 superbugs is also not completely elucidated yet. COVID-19 is currently top of the list of the world’s worries, according to the latest research from Ipsos, with 35% saying it is one of the biggest social and political issues [1-5].

If we may call this era a “Postcovid-19 era” still there are so many mysterious issues, which are not told by the governments, which cause suspicions that maybe we never will know what between 2019 to 2022 occurred, whereby typical Corona viruses starting from bench to bed, in extremely rapid manner into different mutants, unexpectedly.

As described previously, different kinds of applied Sciences can help society’s questions help solve it [1-4].

Recently, (almost Postcovid-19 era) One is observing that a combination of the economy- and economy/ political-based - Sciences are dominating general approaches toward practical solutions, with and/or without collateral damages. What is known about these kinds of approaches? and what is potentially unknown. In general, we know that the potential symptoms of contracted patients may include certain forms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath, which could not or well be differentiated from common influenza, asthmatic attacks, COPD, and different kinds of respiratory infections. In severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia or difficulty breathing. Often, the disease could be fatal, and an increase in mortality and morbidity rates just occurs in certain patients. In cancer patients even could result in rapid death, however.

There are more than thirty thousand reviews and research papers written and published via PUBMED about the COVID-19, and associated superbugs from 2019. My research team has also done different research and development studies based on the BBAdvies and Research private funding (Bahram Alamdary Badlou et al. 2020- 2022).

In order to avoid the damage caused by these kinds of extremely contagious diseases and microorganisms, several countries quarantine their citizens, routinely. On the other hand, amazingly against the COVID-19 pandemic spreading was there no centralized standard plans and coordination which might in a standard manner prevent further disease progressions, based on COVID-19 mutants.

One might speculate that there was no (enough) knowledge and know-how about such an extremely contagious disease, and/or could be said that the underestimation of problems resulted in a Century Disaster caused by Scientific research teams, however.

Orders for certain medications and vaccines were based on either the public’s and/or Politicians’ Pressure and not Science-based choices.

In 2020 different countries used for instance Chloroquine (3), Remdesivir (4), and irrelevant drugs and vaccines, guidelines [2,5], while none were proven to be effective against superbugs-mutating COVID-19 variants, significantly. The Corona virus will continue to affect our lives and livelihoods unless the global community collectively addresses inequitable access to vaccines, therapeutic agents and diagnostics, as well as the fact that we are giving the SARS-CoV-2 virus the room it needs to thrive through uneven and inconsistent national policies to reduce transmission, some of which are undermined by division and politicization. At the same time, Governments must invest in preparedness, prevention and in Science (4,5). Already, we have endured two years of missed opportunities, missed education, missed connections with family and loved ones. Without action, 2022 could be the same (6). But without knowing what they do not know, how doctors can not apply any medication and/or any kinds of vaccines. Moreover, nobody knew about the final side effects caused by the different vaccines’ application, at the end of the day. Globally more than 10 types of vaccines are produced to prevent COVID-19 variants. None of them was chosen as a standard vaccine, eventually. Political/ Economic based choices of the different countries resulted in huge confusion about the efficacy and sensitivity of certain vaccines, world widely. Take home message is that economy based-Sciences during COVID-19 extremely contagious period developed into a Political/ Economic-based Sciences direction and management, which still nobody knows, how in the near future contracted patients will get standard Medicare, Medicaid appropriately. Whether human beings get a standard protocol against extremely contagious microorganisms, yes or no? What will happen to the next generation from 2030? There are still so many sincere questions, that remained unanswered. If we forget about research and developments concerning developing a standard protocol against new variants. I do not think that is ever we get an appropriate standard solution, against the future-generating- superbugs attacks.


  1. (2020). (ICTV) ICoToV, Virus Taxonomy Release.
  2. Bahram Alamdary Badlou (2022). COVID-19 War, Blood Cells Disorder Paradoxically Increase Death Rates. CPQ Medicine, 13(1), 01-03.
  3. Badlou, B. A. (2022). COVID-19 WAR: Controversial Guidelines. J Intern Med Emerg Res., 3(2), 1-3.
  4. Kamp, T. J., Hamdan, M. H. & January, C. T. (2020). Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: Is Cardiotoxicity a Concern? J Am Heart Assoc., 9(12), e016887.
  5. Mohamed Hendaus, A. (2021). Remdesivir in the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a simplified summary. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 39(10), 3787-3792.
  6. Van Kerkhove, M. D. (2021). COVID-19 in 2022: controlling the pandemic is within our grasp. Nat Med., 27(12), 2070.

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