
The Effectiveness of Gratitude Interventions on Psychological Well-Being Among Females Breast Cancer Patients

Boshra Arnout, A.1, Ahed Alkhatib, J.2,3* & Khalid Jasim, J.4

1Department of Psychology, King Khalid University, Zagazig University, Egypt
2Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology of Forensic Science and Toxicology, School of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
3International Mariinskaya Academy, Department of Medicine and Critical Care, Department of Philosophy, Academician Secretary of Department of Sociology, Egypt
4Department of Educational and Psychological Science, College of Education, Ibn Rushd for Human Science, Iraq

Dr. Ahed Alkhatib, J., Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology of Forensic Science & Toxicology, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan & International Mariinskaya Academy, Egypt.

Keywords: Gratitude Interventions; Psychological Well-Being; Breast Cancer Patients


There is evidence that interventions based on practicing gratitude may enhance subjective wellbeing. This study investigated the effect of a gratitude intervention on psychological well-being among a sample of females breast cancer patients in Saudi Arabia Kingdom (N=60). Researchers applied a scale of psychological well-being (PWB) and a scale of gratitude and the counselling program based on gratitude. Participants were measured at three points in time: before the intervention, immediately after the termination of intervention (week4), and at follow-up after one month. The results revealed that the gratitude intervention enhanced psychological well-being in participants, and this positive effect of practicing gratitude on psychological well-being persisted over one month. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

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