
Universal Platform for Coronaviruses Report

Shimon Shatzmiller*, Inbal Lapidot, Galina Zats, Rami Krieger & Ludmila Buzhansky

Department of Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Israel

Dr. Shimon Shatzmiller, Department of Chemical Sciences, Ariel University, Israel.

Keywords: Coronavirus; Ebola; Epidemic; Vaccine


Four years ago the world was confronted by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Panic broke out all over the world. Governments have intervened to contain the pollution. Until the last patient tested negative for the disease, the outbreak claimed thousands of lives and caused billions of dollars in financial losses. President Obama Warned the U.S. to prepare for a pandemic back in 2014 [1], Bill Gates [2,3], and many others worened the world of the impending world pandemic caused by viruses. They demanded that the scientific, industrial and economic should prepare, some work has done but in low gear, too slowly as we experience today.

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